I have had several folks ask about my shoulder. All is going well. Everything healed up nicely and now I am doing some stretching and strengthening therapy on my own. I've even been able to get back on my bicycle!
The beginning of this year has been a blast! We began praying for our Missions Revival back in November. The meeting was not going to be until February but, we wanted to see God move in a great way. Our whole church began to pray. When January rolled around we began to see things happen. It wasn't quite what we were praying for. We had three Korean families leave the church. Some of those folks have been with me for 10 years. It was a painful thing; but, we decided that God knew what was best. The very next Sunday a young couple that had been visiting our church counseled with me about church membership. They were saved; however, they had been baptized by the wrong authority. So, I baptized them and they joined the church the next Sunday. The following Sunday I led a soldier to the Lord. Then I counseled with his wife and one other lady (a U. S. Sailor) that had started visiting our church and found that they had never been baptized since their salvation. So, the next week I baptize the soldier, his wife and the sailor and they joined the church. This same morning we had a family dedicate their three children to the Lord. The very next Sunday was the beginning of our Missions Revival. Brother Brent Logan, missionary to Romania came and preached the meeting and preach the meeting he did! That first morning we had four more children dedicated to the Lord and a Philippine lady saved. During the week we had one man surrender to preach and one other surrender to whatever the Lord wants him to do. The altar was full every service. God moved mightily during the whole week. The Sunday after the meeting we collected the Faith Promise cards and glory to God the amount increased by over $8000.00! We also had a had a teenage girl saved that morning that we had been prayer for more than a year. What a great God we serve!
One other amazing thing I need to share is about my visa. February was my visa renewal month. This time I was going to apply for the life time visa. It is not easy to get. Many qualifications must be met. The one qualification that I didn't know about was a language proficiency exam. Joy and I went to the immigrations office, submitted the packet and wanted while the officer looked everything over. She told Joy that I must pass a language exam. I immediately thought, "this is a visa I will never have." Then she asked Joy if I could speak Korean. I answered in Korean, "a little." She continued talking to Joy in Korean and she handed me several of my documents that she didn't need. I thanked her in Korean. She told Joy, "Your husband speaks Korean very well" and she mark "pass" on my application. She accepted the application and said I should hear something in 1 to 3 months. Three weeks later I received my new life time immigration card in the mail. It pays to listen more and speak little!
Fellow Laborers in Christ, David L. Lewis II Cor 5:17, Gal 1:10