Calvinism and Molinism are two very different ways of understanding God's sovereignty. But which one best addresses the problem of evil? James White argues that Calvinism - God foreordaining all human behaviour both good and evil - is the more Biblical and coherent view. William (Bill) Lane Craig argues that Molinism - a view which reconciles human freedom and divine sovereignty - is Biblically consistent without making God the author of evil.
Here is a book suggestion for everyone to check out before the new year arrives. It is called, The Wisdom Pyramid. You can check out more about the book at our podpage.
I just added a new book to the Theology Central book club. The book is called, Transhumanism and the Image of God: Today's Technology and the Future of Christian Discipleship. Get more information about the book by following the link.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.Colossians 3:2 We live in a world where we are surrounded by things to distract us from the things of God. We are surrounded by things that attempt to have us set our affection on them...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I produce a podcast series we call, Bible Study Exercise. The goal is to actually get people to study the text not simply be passive listeners. This is done by giving assignments, asking lots of questions and not actually doing all the teaching...[ abbreviated | read entire ]