5. How did the preacher's message begin? The message began as a true word from God and was given as truth because God's purpose was to transmit truth. It was ordered by God as truth and was delivered by God's Spirit in cooperation with holy men...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
INERRANCY, EXEGESIS AND EXPOSITION Postulates and Propositions Let me propose five logically sequential postulates that introduce and undergird my main propositions. These five ideas also establish the true biblical basis for the doctrine of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We believe in biblical inerrancy. So what? How does the truth of biblical inerrancy and the authority of God's written revelation affect what we preach and how we minister? There's little point in defending the inerrancy of Scripture if we're...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Last timewe saw that a true work of the Holy Spirit exalts the true Christ. Today, we will continue by looking at another mark of the Spirit's work. The following material is condensed, adapted and excerpted from Jonathan Edwards's The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How can a true work of the Holy Spirit be distinguished from a false one? From a careful study of 1 John 4, the great theologian and pastor Jonathan Edwards was able to identify five distinguishing characteristics of the Holy Spirit's work. In...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The shift in American culture from character to image has turned vanity and pride into virtues. Where does that leave the virtue of meekness? Will the meek really inherit the earth? What is meekness, anyway?Pride has been redefined in American...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here are the main reasons I am not signing the Manhattan Declaration, even though a few men whom I love and respect have already affixed their names to it: Although I obviously agree with the document's opposition to same-sex marriage, abortion,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Even the most cursory study of the preaching in Acts shows that the gospel according to the apostles was a clarion call to repentance. At Pentecost, Peter concluded his sermon--a clear lordship message--with this: "Therefore let all the house of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Thanksgiving season is a wonderful time to heighten your sensitivity to the blessings bestowed by God. Thanksgiving grabs your attention, shakes the cobwebs loose, and reminds you of all God's most precious gifts. That's one reason...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Ever since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the already ecumenical climate in America has reached new heights. In an effort to distinguish between the extremist Muslim terrorists and the mainstream Muslim population, the media has...[ abbreviated | read entire ]