To be clear, we're not simply saying that people who believe in evolution have done bad things. People who have professed Christianity have done bad things too. But when people do bad things in the name of Christianity, it's easy to see their...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
God did create the heavens and the earth. And there is only one document that credibly claims to be a divinely-revealed record of that creation: the book of Genesis. Unless we have a creator who left us with no information about where we came from...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Evolution was introduced as an atheistic alternative to the biblical view of creation. According to evolution, man created God rather than vice versa. The evolutionists' ultimate agenda is to eliminate faith in God altogether and thereby do away...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here are three reputable scholars--responsible for teaching and training the current and next generation of pastors, Bible teachers, and theologians--explaining why you should not take the first chapters of Genesis in a literal, historic sense......[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Does the Bible itself identify specific doctrines as fundamental? Absolutely. Last time we looked at two guidelines: (1) Fundamental Doctrines Come from the Scriptures, and (2) Fundamental Doctrines Are Clear in Scripture. Here are three more......[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Does the Bible itself identify specific doctrines as fundamental? Indeed it does.Scripture helps us lay out some biblical principles for determining which articles of faith are truly essential to authentic Christianity... Read More...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It's a true statement: Christians aren't ruined by living in the world . . . but by the world living in them. And one of the surest roads to ruin is John MacArthur's subject today.
John MacArthur Why do so many evangelicals act as if false teachers in the church could never be a serious problem in this generation? Vast numbers seem convinced that they are "rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing--and do not know...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
From the time of the apostles until the present, the true church has always believed that the Bible is complete. God has given his revelation, and now Scripture is finished. God has spoken. What He gave is complete, efficacious, sufficient,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]