Beloved, Through a pervasive synergistic evangelism, the doctrine of justification has become synonymous with self justification and thusly has fallen out of vogue in modern faith life. This proverbial throwing the baby out with the bath water...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, Before any real discussion of justification can be undertaken, the question of “What is justification?” must be answered. Sovereignty by necessity must adjudicate any case that would call into question its rightful role of authority....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, The last half of verse twenty six holds the true understanding of biblical repentance in that the conviction of truth renders the one unwilling to engage in the destructive behaviors of the world. Paul says here, “..and escape from the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, In 2 Timothy 2: 25b - 26 Paul goes on to state the second part of repentance in that it is a change of mind. In this verse he says, “… leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, How does one actually come into repentance? If the biblical witness is true, all people are born with a natural tendency toward sin and rebellion. In this condition, repenting, or turning away, from what is natural to the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, Up until this point in the discussion, the monergistic workings of God in regeneration have been the primary focus. There is however, a component of salvation in which men do participate. This is not participation at the seminal or...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, To bring Paul’s discussion of the three aspects of saving faith full circle, one must consider both Paul’s last and first propositions. In the first part of verse fifteen Paul says, “And how are they to preach unless they are sent?...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, The question very quickly becomes, “How will they hear?” Paul anticipating this natural question says that without preaching they will not. In light of what was asserted about the necessity of the Christian witness just above, many...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, The first area under consideration is how does one believe in the gospel? Although this is the second facet that Paul mentions, it is in fact the first area under consideration here in that it addresses the need for knowledge. Paul’s...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, As one considers what saving faith is, there are three components that must be included; they are knowledge, assent and trust. Without these three components it is doubtful that real regenerative faith has been experienced. It must be...[ abbreviated | read entire ]