Beloved, The final chapter of Romans contains some of the greatest examples of Christian service as Paul encourages the Church to display it love of Christ in its love for other believers. Paul repeatedly uses the term “greet”...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, It is possibly nowhere else within the book of Romans a more overt teaching as Paul then speaks of the practically applied principle of loving one’s neighbor than his discourse to the Jews here. Paul brings to bear the testimony of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, Service to the corporate body of Christ is not the only place Paul teaches the necessity of serving others. In chapter thirteen, the Apostle goes on to stipulate that those who are citizens of the kingdom of God are to serve the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, The foundation of Christian service according to Paul is sacrifice. Perhaps this single assertion most overtly stands in opposition to much of modern faith life methodology. The modern shallowness of service offered under the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, How should one serve Christ? What does such a service look like? Paul’s discourse upon this subject may surprise some for although Paul speaks in very practical terms; he does not layout a framework by which service is to be conducted.
Beloved, If left unattended at this point, it may be easy for one to say that God has in fact abandoned Israel for the love of the Gentile nations. This stance, according to Paul, would be in error. It cannot be emphasized enough that the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, Is there any hope for the people of God who have turned a stubborn and stiff neck against Him? Paul emphatically says yes, but it is by grace and not works. As in the days of Elijah who appeals before God for judgment upon the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, In sharp contrast to this reality within the nation of Israel, Paul asserts that salvation by faith is of a much different quality. As the Apostle speaks of confession and belief, he is speaking to riches bestowed upon those who...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, As if there was further need of positive proof of God’s activity, Paul goes on to highlight Jacob and Esau in that God had declared before either were born that Jacob had received God’s divine favor and Esau reprobation. Simply put...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Beloved, A fundamental premise that must be established here is that God is not the respecter of persons based upon ethnic criteria. Paul’s passionate plea is that the nation of Israel would see with clarity the error of their thinking....[ abbreviated | read entire ]