“It is not falling into water that drowns, but lying in it. It is not falling into sin that damns, but lying in it without repentance.” – Thomas Watson, The Doctrine of Repentance, (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 2009; written...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
How can you reach teenagers for Christ by the preaching of a 50-year-old guy wearing a suit and standing behind a pulpit? I’ve heard it before. You’ve probably thought it. Among certain groups, the only way to reach teenagers with the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Ben Domenech: “The Perfect Church, for many modern Americans, is the one where they are the sole member. There are no babies screaming, no poorly delivered sermons, no tithing..."...Read more.
When it comes to evangelism, we have a generation who has been acclimated to think that evangelizing the lost involves somehow getting them back to your church. Whether it’s an attractive program or a “relevant” church service,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Lord Jesus poured Himself out for the church. In life, in death, in intercession – Christ gave and gives Himself for His bride. How should we then as members of the bride behave towards her, and what should our attitude be towards...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
“So Boyd…in this ‘new’ church where the families sit together and you don’t have programs, how do you evangelize?” I’ve heard that several times and anticipate hearing it again. It’s one of the most...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Most people have lousy gardens because of the sweat, hard work, and patience a good garden requires. So, they have excuses for their overgrown, underperforming gardens. On the other hand, every good gardener finds joy in the thought that to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Bill Mounce has written a very touching piece on a couple's loss of a dream through church gossip. He tells a heartbreaking story of backbiting, gossip, slander, and criticism. He says, “Gossip is surely the native tongue of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I really could not believe I was hearing it again. “So Boyd…in this ‘new’ church where the families sit together and you don’t have programs, how do you evangelize?” To which I responded, “Hopefully I...[ abbreviated | read entire ]