Mike Cox: "We need to understand that the Great Commission does not end with evangelistic formulas and presentations. The Great Commission’s purpose is to make disciples; to make those who would observe all that Christ’s commanded to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
One of the greatest offenses of this age is to live differently. It seems so condemning, so judgmental. But what is Christianity without new life? Here is an excerpt from a letter John Calvin wrote to one of his friends in this regard: For in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Joe Morecraft: "Calvin established an academy in Geneva to train men to be missionaries. Geneva, as one has said, was ‘the hub of a vast missionary enterprise.’ Another said ‘it created an explosion of missionary activity...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Andy Bradrick: "Seek opportunities to intentionally engage your community. Be regular; be consistent about it. Discipline yourselves for the sake of godliness...." Read more.
The prophet Jeremiah prophesies against Judah making it clear that the shepherds of Israel have abandoned the purpose for which God had appointed them. The dramatic effect: it makes the people of God worthless....Read more.
On November 16-18, I will be speaking in Fredericksburg, TX at several meetings that are designed to communicate the vision of God for churches, men, and families....Read more.
Geoffrey Botkin: “I think one of the most important things Victoria and I taught our children was ‘Read the word. The faith that you have cannot be your father’s faith and your mother’s faith. Read the word and read every...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We were all very grateful for what Jeff Pollard shared with us at the men's luncheon regarding what was burning in his soul. He first quoted 1 John 3:2: "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Join me next week in Pensacola, FL for a family conference at Mt. Zion Bible Church. Last year, it was such a blessing to be with Jeff Pollard and his congregation as we considered many aspects of family life, the relationship of the church and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Conrad Mbewe: “Brethren, beware of mere head knowledge of the Christian religion. Beware of it if it never moves you to the very depths! Beware of a Christianity that can speak, and read, and hear about men and women stealing from...[ abbreviated | read entire ]