One of the propositions of the NCFIC is that church and family life stand tall among the most important priorities of life. The very existence of the NCFIC serves to state that your family and the family of God are of enormous importance. Not only...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There can be no personal transformation, no holy family life, no sanctified church life or any kind of life without the foundation of the gospel. In July 1886, Charles Spurgeon began his message with this statement, "The heart of the gospel is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It's a disaster to build a church around "family-integration". God-glorifying churches are built around God, the Gospel, His Word, and obedience to His ways. When churches form around anything smaller than these things, they are headed for...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Kevin Swanson interviewed me on Generations Radio about our upcoming Worship of God conference. We addressed the purpose of music in worship as defined by Scripture, as well as the dangers of modern music to the soul of the church and the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
John MacArthur in his book, "The Truth War" puts his finger on what we believe is the systemic virus that is afflicting evangelicalism - catering to preferences instead of boldly preaching the Word of God. "He wanted to make it clear to everyone...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I hope you can join me in Kerrville, TX with the speakers pictured above on September 5-7, as we partner with FORGE ministries to bring you the Master's Plan for Fatherhood weekend event. Why are we doing this conference? The practices and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is Charles Spurgeon on fancy prayers: I pray that you will never think well of fine prayers, for before the thrice-holy God, it is unbecoming for a sinful suppliant to play the orator... The tail feathers of pride should be pulled out of our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is a snippet out of W. Tong's biography of Matthew Henry, written soon after his death in 1716. He explains why Matthew Henry did not go to a university: Mr. Phillip Henry had so great a kindness for the universities and valued so much the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I just produced a series of videos called, “The Family That Worships Together,” as introductory resources to frame the discussion for the Worship of God conference at which we will go into the many details of the worship of God. To...[ abbreviated | read entire ]