Assyria was the reason for much fear in Judah. In this message Dan Horn asks the question, “Who is your Assyrian?” In other words, what do you fear? Do you fear your boss, your food, the economy, the government? Do you fear that if you...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As we have been working our way through the prophet Isaiah at our church, we have just completed a series of expositional messages on Isaiah 9 and 10. In these chapters, the prophet makes it clear that the people of Judah were terrified by the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Today we’re down in Phoenix Arizona with Jason Young and Kevin Swanson at the Southwest Family Vision Conference. During his opening message at the conference, on establishing a multi-generational vision, Mr. Brown said this:...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Each year we see new stories of Christian leaders who get entangled in scandalous sin. Our experience tells us that this has happened before and will happen again. Often we ask, “Who was holding this man accountable?” And, “If I...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In the video linked to below, Craig Houston shares what is the beginning of wisdom for those who preach the Word of God. Click here to watch the video:
There has been significant discussion recently over discerning matters of music. Click the link below to see a video in which I focus on the use of music in the worship of God which is distinctly different when compared with music in general....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Of all the nations on the entire planet, the United States is the most lonely place to be. We have the highest percentage of one person households on the entire globe, and the average size of our households has been steadily decreasing. Studies...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
I’ve just released a new book of three essays on “Counterfeit Worship,’ which centers on John Knox’s famous treatise on the “Idolatry of the Mass.” In this short work, Knox explains how inventions in worship are...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It's easy to participate in the outward forms of worship – praying, singing, reading the Word of God, hearing the Word of God, and observing the Lord’s Supper. But these have been given, not as ends in themselves, but as means to an...[ abbreviated | read entire ]