HOW SHOULD WE VIEW THE ELECTIONS? I am grateful for those of you who came out Monday night to intercede for our nation and for those of you who diligently prayed at home that God might be merciful and grant to us the leadership that we desire yet...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This past Sunday, I wanted to tie the last four months together with a sermon focused on the foundational issue of a consistent walk with Jesus. It seems to me that so many American Christians don’t know Jesus with any real intimacy, partly...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Dear Westminster Family, Most of you have seen or at least heard of Pastor Jones and his 35-40 member congregation in Gainesville, FL. First, let me put all rumors to rest – I never met the man and had no idea that he or his...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Renew our days as of old, Lamentations 5:21. We Must Have Revival! -By Pastor Al Baker (*) John Girardeau, the Old School Presbyterian1 minister from Charleston, SC, in 1851 turned down the opportunity to pastor a large Presbyterian church in...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The following is an impassioned plea from my friend and fellow pastor, Al Baker. I've included not a few of his articles in these blogs because, in my opinion, the focus of his labors and the ache of his heart is for revival which, I believe, is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This is the second part of a message Pastor Cox preached on August 22, 2010. This point deals with a few thoughts on what the church of Jesus Christ must do in order to obey and affirm the truth of God’s Word regarding sexual purity within...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We have had a few of our folks ask about our season of prayer held on the first Sunday night of each month. I would first respond by saying that our church, in my estimation, is not unlike many other Bible believing churches in the land in that we...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It’s clear by the lively interaction this past Lord’s Day, July 18, in our Adult class that the issue of holiness in the life of every believer is a topic worthy of further exploration. We will be delving more deeply into the specific...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Many years ago before I ever pastored a church, the senior minister was away on vacation and the elders asked Walford Thompson to fill the pulpit. He did far more than that, at least for me. This dear brother was not ordained by the PCA but he was...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Thanks be to God for a fantastic VBS week. The kids were great and our teachers and workers were even greater. The Lord has blessed us with some wonderfully gifted and talented people. A huge “thank you” to all who, once again, made...[ abbreviated | read entire ]