Some in the evangelical world are touting grace at the expense of one's growth in Spirit-enabled obedience. It's typical of Satanic warfare and one of his primary weapons is to get God's people off-balance. He seeks to move us to one extreme or...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As we return to our study of the life of Christ as depicted in the Gospel of Matthew, I think it’s helpful for us to also review some of the ways by which the gospel imperatives that we find in this document can and should be applied to our...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Probably one of the quickest ways a pastor can induce guilt in his congregation is to talk about evangelism of the lost. Very few professing Christians ever, in their lifetime, share the gospel with someone they believe to be apart from Christ....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Someone recently sent me a quote from Dave Ramsey that I want to gift you with today. Dave’s “Financial Peace University” has been viewed by hundreds of thousands with some profoundly positive consequences in the lives of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Recently one of our faithful attendees asked for some help in sharing the gospel with his colleagues who are very busy people and have little to no time to chit chat (though we understand the gospel to be of the greatest importance because it...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
According to the Institute for the Study of Secularism in Society and Culture at Trinity College, 46 percent of Americans between age 18 and 34 indicate that they have no religion. Another recent survey by The Barna Group indicates that less than...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
SELECTED PORTIONS OF ACTIONS OF THE 39th GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE PCA The Thirty-ninth General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America met in Virginia Beach, Virginia, June 7-10, 2011, at the Virginia Beach Convention Center, hosted by James...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A well-attended Easter Sonrise service. Even though it was held indoors one person said that the change from dark to light outside (despite the rain) during the service was a wonderful reminder that the darkness of the Cross was eclipsed by the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As Resurrection Easter Sunday will be here in a few weeks and some havefasted from certain things "for Lent," I thought that we might think alongthe lines of what our risen Savior might command us to permanently cut outof our mental, emotional and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
As the tragic events in Japan become “old news” and no longer make headlines, it’s good for us, as God’s people, to make sure we have a biblical handle on what happened, where God fits into the picture and how believers...[ abbreviated | read entire ]