We have had a few of our folks ask about our season of prayer held on the first Sunday night of each month. I would first respond by saying that our church, in my estimation, is not unlike many other Bible believing churches in the land in that we are in need of personal and corporate renewal and revival (I’m not talking about some man-made counterfeit but a genuine movement of God’s Spirit). Beyond that great need is the fact that our nation is facing some unprecedented challenges as we drift further, farther and faster away from the moorings of the Judeo-Christian underpinnings that this country was built upon by the founding fathers. Most of those men were not Deists as many have been led to believe.
Dr. Gregory Frizzell is a nationally respected prayer leader. He has written 30 books on themes of prayer, holiness, repentance and revival and they have helped God’s people find God's heart to become a people of prayer as well as igniting whole churches to pray. I believe that what he writes is indeed our hope for the churches of this nation and the nation itself…
I have thoroughly examined the various "good" signs often touted as hopeful indicators of potential...renewal. [M]ost do not even begin to off-set the rising tidal wave of negatives... Several...collapse under careful biblical analysis and honest projection. They're not enough to even begin to turn the tide. Tragically, some things now proclaimed as "hopeful" are neither "balanced" nor [Biblical]" ...[N]othing we are seeing is keeping pace with the explosion of evil... we are utterly desperate for nothing less than another historic Great Awakening.
Over the last forty years, biblical morality, marriage patterns and family strength have not merely declined, they have witnessed an unprecedented collapse... Tragically, today's devastating modern decline has deeply permeated believers and churches... there are few (if any) actual glimmers of light... And make no mistake -- when the foundations are destroyed... society is given over to vilest depravity... (Ps 11:3; Rom 1:20-32).
… in light of today's devastating collapse, how could we have any attitude but utter brokenness and desperate seeking after God? Absolutely nothing in modem experience warrants the slightest degree of over-confidence in today's programs, promotions and techniques... It is time for a complete return to the missing "relational foundations" of fervent prayer, deep repentance and unity with one another! It is time to return to the True and Living God (not some shallow creation of our own imaginations)... (Iceberg Dead Ahead, Dr. Gregory Frizzell, 2007, "A Sobering Look At Broken Down Walls" pp. 32-34 (Neh 1:3)
This is a big part of the reason why we are being called to seek the face of our God. Whether we realize it or not, we desperately need the Lord to work in our midst and bring the fresh wind and fresh fire of His Spirit. We might call it a “mini Pentecost.”
The Lord told Israel in 2 Chronicles 7, that if his people would “…humble themselves and PRAY and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, THEN I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land.” Though this promise was given to Israel before the monarchy, I believe the principles inherent in this verse still hold true for any people today. I fervently hope and pray that you will not let anything keep you from these monthly prayer times with your fellow servants of the Lord. The day is darkening, the need is great and our hearts must be turned back to our King in intercessory prayer. God bless you,