Holiness is happiness. Holiness is beauty. Holiness is wholeness. Holiness really captures everything about God. It captures His love, His mercy, His wrath, it covers His anger, it covers His indignation, it really explains everything about his...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Join me tonight at 5:00pm EST for a survey of the book of Isaiah. The central message of the book of Isaiah, and the central message of the Bible for that matter, is found in Isaiah 40:9: “Behold your God!” Isaiah, throughout the book,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
What comes to your mind when you think of sanctification? The reality is: sanctification takes time. As Dan Horn describes it in this video, it is a marathon. It is a long road that you gradually walk down. God puts us in various circumstances to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Last week, we posted our lecture on justification, which is a critical doctrine to understand. All those whom God has justified, He adopts them into the family of God. They take on His name, have access to come before their Father at the throne...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We affirm that there is a clear and consistent biblical pattern of worship and discipleship for the people of God that is age-integrated; and we believe that this pattern should be embraced and practiced (Ex. 12:21-27; Deut. 16:9-14; 32:46; Josh....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
This year at our national conference, we will be speaking on the subject of holiness. What is holiness, according to Scripture? It is important that we understand that we have a proper understanding of holiness, since there are a lot of false...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Jason Dohm and I will be hosting another luncheon for church leaders. This time, we are headed to Nashville, TN! If you are a pastor from Tennessee or Southern/Western Kentucky, we would like to invite you to attend. This luncheon will be a day or...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We affirm that God commands churches, families, and individuals to teach the gospel and make disciples in every generation, “that thou mightest fear the LORD thy God, to keep all his statutes and his commandments, which I command thee, thou,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In the modern times, church discipline is looked upon as unloving. Has this been the view throughout church history? The answer is: No. Throughout church history, church discipline has been viewed as a vitally important part of a biblical church....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
During a Baptist21 panel discussion at the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. Albert Mohler speaks on an important matter of church structure and programming when fielding a question on whether we should have special groups for recovering...[ abbreviated | read entire ]