Craig Houston and I will be hosting a church leader's luncheon in Port Orchard, WA on Saturday, May 30. This will be a time of prayer, mutual encouragement, fellowship, and Craig and I will be giving some exhortations. All church leaders, and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Several pastors in the Southwest surrounding Phoenix, and I will be hosting a church leader's luncheon in Phoenix, AZ on Friday, May 29. All church leaders (pastors, elders, and deacons), as well as aspiring church leaders, are invited to attend....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
It is important that our families are grounded in a biblical view of the doctrine of God's providence. This week, we are making the fifth lecture, which is discussing the chapter on God's providence from the 1689 London Baptist Confession,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Yesterday marked the birthday of a man who had a tremendous impact on the church then, and still does today: J.C. Ryle. To commemorate his birthday, we are announcing the release and a sale on his most well-known book: Holiness. We are offering...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Church leaders and aspiring church leaders in the northwestern region of the United States are invited to a church leader's luncheon in Boise, ID on May 28. This luncheon will be a time of prayer, mutual encouragement, fellowship, and exhortation....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When God appoints a man to be the head it's to be the husband of his wife and to love her as Christ loved the church. That's an astonishing requirement. Who's sufficient for these things? And to try to get the modern American male to understand...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When someone says “Creation” or “Evolution,” we often think of it in terms of its impact on science; but this issue also affects other area of our thinking. It impacts our views on the environment, the complementary roles...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In his article, "What God Is to Families," Thomas Doolittle presents a compelling and biblical case for the necessity of family worship. Why is it required? He offers four reasons and then his conclusion: "if God be the Founder, Owner,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We affirm that the church and the family were designed to be complementary, compatible, and harmonious because the family is commanded to raise “godly seed,” for the next generation, and is the proving ground for church leaders, while...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
My hope is that every Biblically-ordered, Christ-exalting, family-integrated church will register themselves on our network. Why? When you register your church on the NCFIC network, people will most likely come to your church to check it out. When...[ abbreviated | read entire ]