As we grapple with how to respond to the recent shifts regarding homosexuality in our nation and around the world, there is something that we need to recognize about this issue and why it is being put forward. We cannot understand the heart of the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The next chapter in the confession is titled, “Of Effectual Calling,” and it is a logical sequel to the last chapter on free will. If you remember, we learned in the last chapter that man in his unregenerate state has totally lost, as...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We affirm that the biblical doctrine, principles and precepts that God has revealed in His Word for corporate, family, and individual worship and discipleship are sufficient for knowing how to worship God in a manner acceptable to Him and for the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is a short clip from Dr. Richard D. Phillips titled, "Holiness & Self-Righteousness?" It is often said in modern Christendom that to focus on holiness and obedience to God leads to self-righteousness. Dr. Phillips shows that this is far...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Why don't churches practice church discipline? Chuck Lawless gives twelve reasons he has noticed why they don't. You can read the article on the NCFIC blog.
We affirm that local churches are spiritual households of faith, and that congregations of the visible church include individuals and family units that should be cared for and strengthened by the church to fulfill their God ordained roles, not...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The NCFIC maintains an online network called the, "FIC Network.” In order to be listed, these churches must indicate that they fully or substantially embrace the "Declaration for the Complementary Roles of Church and Family.” The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Here is a beautiful article by Don Whitney on, "The fields ARE white for harvest, even when you see few conversions." You can also read this article on the NCFIC blog.
The last chapter of the confession dealt with the covenant God made with His elect, the covenant of grace. In this chapter of the confession, the authors take a close look at the mediator of the covenant: Christ. 1 Timothy 2:5 says, "For there is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Sinclair Ferguson has written three really excellent books for children on Polycarp, Irenaeus and Ignatius, all whom were friends and evangelized by John-the disciple of Jesus. I read them after purchasing them at the Banner of Truth Ministers...[ abbreviated | read entire ]