YOU HAVE AN APPOINTMENT Rev. A.J. Ogden Most of us have had a life full of appointments to meet. As a pastor, I had many of them to meet and I always tried to keep them. I always tried to be on time for one, or just a little early. I never...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
YOU ARE THE SALT OF THE EARTH AND THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Rev. A.J. Ogden Jesus, having ascended back to heaven to be with the Father, has left born again believers on earth to be salt and light; salt for preservation and light for illumination....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Will Future Generations Hear the Gospel? Rev. A. J. Ogden I am very concerned about the spiritual decline in our country. Percentage wise, we are winning less and less souls in America, and some of the countries are farther gone than we are....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WILL A MAN ROB GOD? Rev. A.J. Ogden In the book of Malachi 3:8 the question is asked. “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.” The people of Malachi’s day...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHY SO FEW SERMONS ON HELL? Rev. A.J. Ogden The Bible has more to say about Hell then it does about Heaven. It would seem to me that we should be sounding off much more on this very important subject than we are. I continually hear people speak...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHY DID NOAH’S NEIGHBORS GO TO HELL? Rev. A.J. Ogden They went to Hell for all the same reasons most people go there today. Of course first of all we know they would not listen to God’s man and receive Noah’s Almighty God....[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHY CAN’T WE HAVE PEACE? A.J. Ogden Nations fight, conquer, and change borders always. I was looking at an old map that was made way back before my boyhood days, and it was surprising how the world has changed. Nations have been taken over...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHO CARES IF A SINNER GOES TO HELL? Rev. A.J. Ogden It is difficult in our day to find a Christian who really has a burden to win lost souls to Christ. Fewer and fewer born again believers have great concern for witnessing to lost people. The...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHO CAN SAVE US? A.J. Ogden Not Mohammad, not Confucius, not the Pope, not the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, not your religion, not your pastor, but the Master, Jesus is his name! Works and trying to keep the commandments cannot...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHERE IS YOUR TREASURE? Rev. A.J. Ogden Perhaps a better question would be, what do you have your heart and mind fixed on continually? What takes up most of your time, energy and devotion? Maybe you and I need to let God’s Word answer that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]