WHEN WE PLOW TO THE END OF OUR ROW Rev. A.J. Ogden My background is country living in the extreme. Living four miles out in the country from a small town of 1,500 in population, I plowed bare footed all my childhood. We raised a couple of pigs...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHEN THE MEAN DOG COMES ALONG A.J. Ogden Imagine in front of your house there is a beautiful white dog trotting along. He stops and smells in all directions every now and then. I guess he is in hopes a rabbit will jump up out of the ditch and he...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHEN THE BIG TENT CAME TO TOWN Rev. A.J. Ogden As a young lad growing up in the nineteen thirties, we didn’t have much in the way of entertainment. Money was scarce in those depression years for my mother and me who lived together with...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHEN THE BIG TENT CAME TO TOWN Rev. A.J. Ogden As a young lad growing up in the nineteen thirties, we didn’t have much in the way of entertainment. Money was scarce in those depression years for my mother and me who lived together with...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHEN THE ABNORMAL SEEMS NORMAL Rev. A.J. Ogden It doesn’t make much difference what mankind thinks is right, but what God says about something is true. In Proverbs 14:12 the Bible says, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
When Satan Has to Run Rev. A. J. Ogden In James 4:7-8 the Word of God says, “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you…” But when man is...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHEN OUR SHOOTS ARE TOO HEAVY FOR OUR ROOTS BY: Rev. A.J. Ogden From a tiny acorn an oak tree is born, and begins to put forth shoots of growth. That is fine and it can become a beautiful oak after nourished by God’s good soil beneath and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHEN ORDINARY PEOPLE DO EXTRAORDINARY THINGS BY: Rev. A.J. Ogden Little is much when God is in it. An acorn may seem so very small to us, and yet God can take just one and grow an oak tree to shade a good sized yard. One little match can start a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHEN MY HORSE WALKED ON Rev. A.J. Ogden One of the things I remember most about childhood days was that we possessed very little of this earth’s goods. Until I went away to the Army in World War II, mother and I did not even have a lock on...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
WHEN JESUS CALMED A TROUBLED SEA Rev. A.J. Ogden The sea of Galilee was noted for having storms blow up suddenly without warning. It is still that way today. Mark gives us the Bible account of a storm on that sea which caused fear to the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]