Seven Biblical Ways The Christian Wife Sexually Excites Her Husband (Part One, Part Two continued below…) Ladies, Valentine’s Day is upon us and it is time to think about what your husband would like for Valentine’s Day. Let me assure you that...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Part Two… Seven Biblical Ways The Christian Wife Sexually Excites Her Husband #4 A Wife’s Eyes As A Source Of Excitement: The godly wife sets aside the modesty and bashful ways of her single days when it comes to her husband. Having guarded her...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A Valentine’s Parable: For all you married men as we enter the Valentine's Day countdown… Revelation 2:5 “Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Could A Muslim or Mormon Worship With You This Sunday? In my dispatches and at conferences at which I speak I insist that great care be taken in the worship hymns and songs. While in the modern church there has developed a cavalier attitude...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Church and Para church: Jacob and Esau or Paul and Timothy? (Part One - part two is continued in the blog below) Jacob and Esau are one of the many illustrations in the Bible of brothers who should have been best friends - on each other’s team -...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
(part two continued from previous blog) Church and Para church: Jacob and Esau or Paul and Timothy? (Part Two – continued from previous blog) Now this sword cuts both ways. I can remember a cartoon from a Christian magazine. Two church members...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
'Tell Rev. Mahon we are honoring the baby Jesus on His birthday by spanking our children." My good friend sent me this text Christmas morning. His grandchildren were being selfish and unruly so the parents quickly took matters in hand. They had...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
There are a number of ways we can slander someone. We can spread false rumors about their actions. We can tell lies about their character. One of the most insidious ways we can slander someone is to misquote them. We can add to or take away...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Greeting Cards, Hobbits, Duck Dynasty and Jesus… These next two blogs will deal with applications from the Christmas Advent Studies. What have you really learned about Jesus this Christmas? (And more importantly what have you taught your...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
December 27th Family Christmas Questions / Advent Study Here are the next questions for your family Christmas Study or Advent Study. They are followed by a creative idea on keeping Christ in your family Christmas. The answers to the questions...[ abbreviated | read entire ]