Whence knowest thou thy misery? Out of the law of God. What doth the law of God require of us? Christ teaches us that briefly, Matthew 22:37–40, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"IT is FINISHED" John 19:30 & Psalm 69 We have followed Jesus from His grand entrance to the cross as the shouts of Hosanna quickly turned into shouts to "crucify Him!" He was betrayed and condemned by the Sanhedrin and they crucified Him...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Speaking the Truth!" LD43 & Eph 4:14ff The 9th commandment is one commandment that we are ALL guilty of and we are all spoken to by James when he says "these things ought not to be!" Characteristics you find in the world, but are they in the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"No Fear in Love" I John 1:18 & I John 4 The epistle of John is laced with the subject of love. In a world of horizontal, filial, and emotional love and a utilitarian love, Paul speaks of a different love. The love in Christ that pertains to...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"The Supremacy of Love" I Cor. 13:8ff Paul has arrived at his calminating thought. After recalling the more excellent way! The one greatest gift! Faith, Hope, and Love are found together but why is charity the greatest of these as we would be hard...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"We are nothing without Love" I COR. 13:1-3 This passage has been preached on many times but scripture is a living document with the Spirit revealing new insights each and every time with new and deep truths. What more vital emphasis can be placed...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
"Earmarks of Love" I Cor. 13:4-7 Tha Apostle Paul does not just leave us theoretical but dives into the practical application rather than just staying with the concept. Some had elevated themselves in the church at Corinth putting others down....[ abbreviated | read entire ]