Paul has arrived at his calminating thought. After recalling the more excellent way! The one greatest gift! Faith, Hope, and Love are found together but why is charity the greatest of these as we would be hard pressed to answer between these if someone asked us what the greatest one was? Let us understand what divides love from the others. We will be lost if we compare the three but the distinction is found in verse 12. "....right now...b...ut then we will see clearly.." The distinction is between this life and the now and the after and we see that only one of these abides. Once your hope has been made or you finally arrived at what you hoped for it vanishes. And faith disappears when the things you have faith in happen. Love however lasts now and FOREVER!
We have seen the pattern of love and the utilitarian love in the horizontal and the concept of love as applied to us by God that we show forth in our relationships. The love of this world ends and fails because it cannot be carried through. We must always observe the pattern of love in Christ. Something that can be traced and followed so one remains with the same thing. Everything in the Old Testament was PATTERNED though the typical could not be shown and EVERYTHING is patterned after the heavenly even in this creation. And the pattern of love is that God loves us unconditionally, seeks our good, and will bring us to glory as He seeks our eternal welfare. That is the pattern of love we seek to prefer one another in the love of Christ (though NOT at the expense of right or wrong and admonishing one another.) But love in its application ALWAYS winds up in glory!
The love of God we have here below always reflects the love of Christ which is our eternal salvation. If you cannot speak to a child at his level you miss him completely and he will think as an adult when he matures. They had fuzzy mirrors in the Old Testament. They were made of metal and steel and did not have the technology to make a perfect mirror like we have today. That is the Word of God. Not that it is not clear...but we cannot fully understand it in the now. We refer to the prophesies of the Old Testament as dark prophesies many times even trying to figure out what heaven will be like and it always fails us. All the earthly will fail but love will and ALWAYS will abide! We won't need a Bible then or sheet music to sing praises all belongs to the now.
I will then be in the bond of perfection in my Lord to live with Him forevermore. If we could exercise ourself in that concept of love to our brothers and sisters we see what we have in Heaven. The final perfection of the LOVE OF CHRIST that we will be brought to eternally in heaven!!!