The election of Francis I (SJ) to the papal chair does not alter the material in this sermon preached on the elevation of Benedict XVI to the office of Pope.
This Jesuit Pope, during his first appearance, bowed before a Marian picture – no change there.
You can listen to the 25th Anniversary Service from Londonderry Free Presbyterian Church here: http ://ww w.ser monau dio.c om/se rmoni nfo.a sp?se rmoni d=121 21218 12369
Some Christians, reacting to the attacks of the world and the flesh against the plain statements of the Word of God, have 'bought into' the line trotted out by many homosexuals - "We're not this way by choice; we were born this way." What,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The mere statement of what Creationists believe in a minor part of an exhibit at the new Causeway Visitor Centre at the Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland, had provoked a storm of controversy. New Atheists are enraged - and are actively...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
We are delighted to be able to announce that plans are afoot to extend the 'Consider Christ' Campaign to the five counties that border on Northern Ireland – Donegal, Monaghan, Cavan, Leitrim and Louth! Full details can be found here:...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A brief video we used as an outreach tool this Christmas. We: (a) posted it on Sermon Audio (b) produced 200 copies and distributed these DVDs along with Christmas presents/cards, etc. (c) placed it on Vimeo - Response...[ abbreviated | read entire ] This blog features some of the tremendous, Christ-centred comments made by Dr Robert Hawker on the Five Books of Moses.Hawker preached in Plymouth during the C18th and is author of ‘The Poor Man's...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The books that undergird the film by the same name are flying out of bookstores into the hands of children. Given the fact that the books are laced with atheism, it is not material that we would wish our children to imbibe.Please listen to the...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
In an article for 'Newsweek,' published on 15 January 2010, Lisa Miller tackles the theme of "The frustrating theology of suffering" under the title:'Why God Hates Haiti.'Then she challenges:"Now with as many as 100,000 dead in last week's...[ abbreviated | read entire ]