This message was not part of my original plan, but emerged as I engaged in further studies about John Calvin. It deals with the persecution Calvin suffered, his efforts to intercede and provide for those who were being persecuted, and concludes...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Notes are now available on 'Calvin 500 Series' #2 – 'The Flagship of the Reformation Fleet.' Scroll down the sermon page to click on the large PDF button to access/print these notes.
The 3rd message of 4 in the 'Calvin 500 Series' is now available in MP3 Format. A PDF file is also available that corresponds with the first message in this current series. Further PDF files are planned for the near future. These will add up to a...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The third message in the 'Calvin 500 Series' is now available:Message #1: John Calvin: The Admiral Of The Reformation FleetMessage #2: John Calvin: The Flagship In The Reformation Fleet (Soli Deo Gloria)Message #3: John Calvin: The Galleons Of...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The PDF file of the first message in this four-part series has now been uploaded.Other files will follow in this series, building up into a substantial PDF booklet.
Using some maritime imagery, I have decided to examine the ministry and legacy of the great French Reformer, John Calvin.The Reformation was a flotilla of chosen vessels, both large and small, that set sail across the seas of heresy and sin,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Using some maritime imagery, this 'Calvin 500 Series' examines the ministry and legacy of the great French Reformer, John Calvin.The Reformation was a flotilla of chosen vessels, both large and small, that set sail across the seas of heresy and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Using some maritime imagery, I have decided to examine the ministry and legacy of the great French Reformer, John Calvin.The Reformation was a flotilla of chosen vessels, both large and small, that set sail across the seas of heresy and sin,...[ abbreviated | read entire ]