At a meeting of the General Presbytery of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster onFriday, 6 December 2008, a resolution was unanimously passed in support of the publicstand taken by Rev. David McIlveen and his church session of Sandown Road...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Almost 10 years after World War I ended, a group ofAllied servicemen in Durban, South Africa, founded anew organisation to rekindle the camadarie andcomradeship they had enjoyed with their fellowsoldiers during that bitter conflict.They called...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
The Book of Ezekiel, being a book of revival, is certainly relevant to the times in which we live. The Book commences with a tremendous vision of the God of power and glory ... then, due to the sin of the people, God was forced to remove His...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
... on this one.Next year - 2009 - will witness the celebration of two major anniversaries:1. The anti-God forces will be uniting in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's handbook on evolution, 'On The Origin...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A public letter has been printed in our local press, bearing 50 signatures of Christians who are involved in football in Northern Ireland, outlining their opposition to Sunday Soccer.From Belfast Newsletter, 29 September 2008 Sabbath games 'will...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
From 'The Mail Online' Rowan Williams becomes first ever Anglican leader to accept visions of Virgin Mary as fact By Simon Caldwell Last updated at 9:01 PM on 24th September 2008The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, was today...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
On Monday, 15 September 2008, the Church of England launched a new section on its website, dedicated to the evolutionist Charles Darwin and to mark the approaching bicentenary of his birth.The Church even offers a posthumous apology to the late...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
On Monday, 15 September 2008, the Church of England launched a new section on its website, dedicated to the evolutionist Charles Darwin and to mark the approaching bicentenary of his birth.The Church even offers a posthumous apology to the late...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
A regular listener to the messages on SermonAudio from the USA, Mr Scott McMahan, has sent me the following comment on the Sunday Soccer issue: While Northern Ireland laments "the first Irish League football matchon a Sunday", an American can...[ abbreviated | read entire ]
Manager of local soccer club, Dunmurry Rec., David Johnstone, posted the following comment on the Irish League website (Tuesday, September 9, 2008).Judging by some of the comments about the protesters, at least we know that bigotry is alive and...[ abbreviated | read entire ]