Great changes. A message about the changes the declaration of Christianity as official religion brought to the Church. Worship, baptism and salvation, erudition, monasticism and missionary effort. Good information, it really gives you an idea about the life of the church in those times. Many things to learn.
Patrick. Interesting message about the introduction of Christianity in England, Scotland and Ireland, special place given to Patrick's work in Ireland. God had in past times also His people with a passion for lost souls, ready to go to strange people to tell them about Christ.
4 errors. A presentation of Gnosticism, Docetism, Marcionism and Montanism and the response the Church gave to these errors. Useful lessons, rich material.
Gospel and sanctification. Central idea: the Gospel has to do not only with conversion, but also with sanctification. The Gospel has implication for the Christian life, so the Gospel must be central for our entire Christian life.
Convincing argumentation. Good argumentation of why to study Church History. 12 arguments, Biblical verses, it is well to take heed to them. Convincing argumentation, good study.
Excellent study. Excellent, interesting, rich material. Apostolic Fathers, Apologists and anti-Gnostic writers presented. Longer presentation of Justin, Epistle to Diognetus, Ireneus, Tertullian. Discussion about creeds and the Canon of Scripture. Many useful things to learn. Especially good are the applications at the end of the message.
Great Sermon! Thank you for being faithful to the text.
Most will attribute this passage to the transfiguration and cite 2 Pet 1:16-18 as a proof text. While there is much to be said about the mount of transfiguration, if one examines the wording in the synaptic gospels this popular explanation becomes inadequate and does not do justice to the scripture.
I believe most are simply not willing to embrace that the kingdom of God which Jesus frequently refers to is in many ways here and now.
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for your words regarding the duties of wives, part 1 and part 2. I have realized many areas where I have been disrespectful to the man who I am considering marrying. You have helped me to recognize this and I am certain our interactions will be blessed as I live out these words. Thank you...I am very grateful for your words!
Great Sermon! Very helpful challenge to help us make sure Jesus Christ and the Gospel are central to what we are and do as churches. Thanks again for this needed series James! Preach on Brother...
Are you suffering? Jim Savastio in this eloquent and moving sermon carefully examines the beginning of Paul's suffering for Christ, and the reasons God allowed Paul to suffer. This message has great relevance for all of us when we suffer for the cause of Christ. Please share this powerful message with others!
Gracious and Challenging! Pastor James came along side me in this message, encouraged me and also helpfully challenged me as a Pastor of a Reformed Baptist Church. Oh, God give us ears to hear and eyes to see where we must stay the course and where we must grow to be further conformed to your image as churches! May He use this message to that end. Thanks again James!
An insightful assessment James Williamson provides an insightful, fair and balanced assessment of Reformed Baptist churches from across the spectrum. Based on current knowledge and taking account of present challenges, he presents some pointed conclusions, asks some painful questions, and issues some stirring challenges. Thank you, brother, for taking the time to think these things through prayerfully and give us the fruit of your considerations. May God help us humbly to examine our hearts and lives, hold to the truth where we are sure of it, repent of sin where we identify it, and pursue what is right in his eyes with all our strength.
Great Sermon! Deliberative! Listen to Grow Pastor Jim, shows after putting in the labor on the text how I have responded to the LORD'S nearness and has challenged me to consider where I stand in light of the text: emotionally, spiritually and with my affections. Well, done Pastor Jim