Mark of Apostasy Leads to Tyranny The failure and lack of any fear of God or regard for the Lord's Day as holy are clear marks that modern Christianity is not only lukewarm Laodiceanism but entirely apostate. Even most grandparents would be astonished at the casual regard for it. This also includes the lack of distinction between a real Christian or church and the world. Have not the Candlesticks of America's churches effectually been 'removed' and no longer shed any distinguishing light in the dark land of a licentious liberty?
But the second consequence is that an anti-Christian but accepted Tyranny has been erected. For while the government and corporations in law pretend to protect "equal rights" on employment, including "religion", the fact is clear that most all employers require availability for work on Sundays and will openly discriminate and not hire those who refuse! DEFEND YOUR LEGAL AND CHRISTIAN RIGHT TO NOT WORK ON THE LORD'S DAY WHICH THE GOVERNMENT AND ALL CORPORATIONS MUST RESPECT (as they do for others, such as Jews and their holidays, who force even Congress to dismiss). Will those of a pretended "sexual orientation" have protected "rights" while Christians have none and forfeit their Christian liberty?
Apostasy is the road to tyranny, and it's here.
Great Sermon! This is fabulous. This past december I made it a mission to listen to as many sermons during the month on the incarnation as I could, but I missed this one. I'm glad I did so it could stand alone today. Thank you.
Highly recommended How many professing Christians worldwide would acknowledge that Affliction and adversity are from God? This is a teaching you won't hear within much of what we consider Evangelical churches. The error of health and wealth and name it and claim it heresy, have crept in much of so-called christian churches, but when faithful preachers preach the plain teaching of the bible, we come to believe and understand that ALL comes from God, nothing comes to pass outside of His will, then church-goers are humbled and God is revered.
Great Sermon! Brother Savastio never disappoints when he takes up subjects like this. I have always found brother Jim to be succinct, accurate and helpful. Thanks to God for his servant's diligent ministry.
Special and touching message God used Pastor McDearmon to deliver this special powerful and special challenging message. How long we can cling on to our identities, as we see the glory of Christ we must loosen all and take up our own cross and follow this man from Nazarene who taketh away our sins, Lord of lords and King of Kings. May God give more messages such as this to Pastor McDearmon to bless the body of Christ.
What a beautiful Savior is ours! This sermon, as noted, only scratches the surface of how the Lord Jesus fulfills the Old Testament and indeed, far from being a "heresy," is the very One sent to bless not only Israel but the whole world through His role as our perfect Prophet, Priest, and King! Praise God for the freedom we have in Him!
Great Sermon! How Encouraging! This sermon is an encouragement to be sure. It is amazing how God brings Pastor Mbewe from Zambia to preach a meassage so fitting to the current needs of our people, and coordinates it so well with what was taught last week by another guest pastor, Tim Hoak. PTL for His strength in our many failures and times of weakness, God is so good!
Thank you for being a vessel to bring honor to the King of Kings, Pastor Mbewe
An encouragement in our dependence on God A great reminder of God's Strength. He is Sovereign over all. Whether things are going great or we are in the midst of trials, and see no end, we can look to Him. Thank you, Pastor Mbewe.
Great Sermon! I found this sermon very interesting. We used to attend Baptist churches and have a great regard for Baptist churches in general. My wife and I believe Baptist churches is where you find the best Bible based preaching.
We are now members of a Mennonite church.
My ancestors were Mennonites while my wifes' were German Reformed.
I liked your comment about people not reading primary sources and instead using secondary sources for their teaching. Isn't that exactly what you did by not having a Mennonite pastor tell you people about anabaptism? I suspect if I were to interview your audience concerning Menno Simmons relationship to the Munsterites, I would be told he was of one accord with them.
What do you think?
Great Sermon! I completely agree with Pastor Jim Savastio when he states that the Bible is completely sufficient for dealing with all the psychological problems of humanity; for God created man and woman, and Who better to know how to help us with the difficulties of our souls than our Creator? We need to believe in the Lord our God as Almighty Shepherd and Lover of our souls, and as we learn from Him in His Word and through prayer, gain confidence in ourselves as the Church to minister to one another. Thank you, Pastor Savastio, for this tremendously encouraging message!
Excellent study. This study was very useful. Very good analyzis of the teaching of Rick Warren's book, identifying its erros and looking at them in the light of Scripture. I liked especially the part in which it speaks about Warren's too human conception of God.