Great Sermon! This sermon gave me so much hope that although I've sinned, Christ is my hope. This sermon came at the exact time I needed it. Thank you.
Very edifying message!! Thought-provoking, encouraging exposition of the Christological nature of our New Covenant praise! "More love to Thee, O Christ, more love to Thee..."
Great Sermon! A brother commented to me after hearing this that this is proof that the Spirit of God still fills men to preach Jesus and His Gospel. I had to agree with him!!! Why do we fulfill the law of Christ when we bear one another's burdens? Because Jesus bore, still bears, and will one day in totality bear all our burdens away!!!
Hopeful and Uplifting Deeply moving and masterful exposition on what we need to learn from David's experience of sin and forgiveness recounted in Psalm 32.
Great Sermon! Sound biblical teaching. The effort and time before God and in preparation comes across in the sermons. God bless pastor Jim and other Godly servants through whom we are so blessed.
IT TAKES A FAMILY !! I am delighted that Pastor Savastio has set forth the truth as it is given in the Scriptures that not just the church leaders are to admonish the members of the family of God. ALL brothers and sisters in Christ are instructed by God's Word to practice GOD'S ONE ANOTHER PLAN (counseling, cautioning, encouraging one another in love). We're ALL to 'have the back' of the other. It's a family thing!
Heartfelt This is one of the greatest studies I have heard that put the right emphasis on "feelings" of the heart. "It does matter what a person feels . . . great compassion." Great truth does connect to our hearts."
Why So-Called "Psychology" & the Bible Don't Mix! Deals with worldviews, sex, sexuality, marriage, parenting, Larry Crabb, Integrationists, creation, evolution, Alfred Kinsey, homosexuality, despair, depression, peace, heart happiness, Psalm one, the blessed man, brokenness, sin, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Carl Rogers, science, etc.
Coverting pagans. Interesting lessons from seeing how God worked in the past through Columba, Augustine of Canterbury and Aidan for the evangelizing of pagan people in England, Ireland and Scotland. As a Romanian, I knew very little of these things. I listened with interest and I wrote down many things from so a rich message.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor, thank you for preaching and loving the Word of God. I am a missionary in Nigeria. The no one enemy against true revival here is the evil spirit of religion that brings people to 'church' but there is no conversion; like king Ahaz. We preach Christ crucified and by personal example we show others how to carry their cross daily, in a practical manner. The greatest key to open the treasure of God is to know intimately the Person of God the Holy Spirit.It is a slow work. After so many years the results are slowly becoming visible. Be encouraged as a Brother in Christ. Gal 6:9.
In Christ alone, Lia Leigh.
Faithfulness and prayer. Excellent, detailed presentation of Augustine life until conversion, based on the "Confessions" and the role his mother had in his conversion. A lesson about faithfulness and prayer. And about the responsibility parents have toward their children. Great illustration of biblical principles.
Rich. Rich material, many aspects covered - so you can have an idea about the church life in the 2nd Century: church government, the sacraments, worship, internal ministry, catholicity of the church and external ministry.
Great work of God. Useful message about the history of RBP, about their positive points and problems. I appreciated the honest acknowledgement of the weaknesses in some RBC. I praise God for the Reformed movement in America, that God raised a Reformed testimony in that country. It is the work of God.
Good and bad aspects. A message very rich in information. Lessons from the good contribution of Augustine to theology and from the bad things he brought with his theology of the church. Aspects discussed: doctrine of Trinity, atonement, veneration of Mary, doctrine of the church, state and church, Papal authority.