Informative and Necessary Message! Are we really saved from the evil that has come upon us?
How can any Christian be racist? How can "Black" people support their own demise?
Thank you.
Great Sermon! I have been hooked by God's word through Bill's ministry. Probably, one of the easiest speaker to listen to. Challenging, engaging, and most importantly...points to Christ.
Insightful and Powerful Sermon! This is an insightful and powerful sermon on Paul's command to walk wisely and to redeem the time. Jim Savastio points out the distinction between the Greek words that deal with time: "Chronos" and "Kairos". One of the reasons the Church is stagnating is the failure to understand Paul's true intent when he uses "Kairos" in Ephesians, and to seize the opportunities we now have to advance forcefully the Gospel and God's Kingdom. Please share this powerful message with others!
Timely, encouraging message This message was such a blessing. What a beautiful reminder of the glorious gospel of our Lord and a sobering reminder to stay vigilant!
Great Sermon! Bless you Pastor Green for your gracious humility in acknowledging God's work in another of His annointed preachers such as Pastor Jim Savastio.
Great Sermon! Will listen and share. These are troublesome times as I have never seen before in all my 78 years. If I didn’t have the arms of Christ around me, I’d be in panic mode.
Great Sermon! Such a sobering and timely message! May the Lord have mercy on our nation and bring revival!! Thank you, Pastor Savastio, for this message!
Tears of Thankfulness! This helped me so much... Thankful for grace that saved, is saving and will save... In the lives of all of God's people, in particular my
"Prodigal" son...Tears of Thanksgiving for these truths
Great Sermon! Excellent, thoughtful, and Biblical summary of how we ought to view and deal with the subject of infant baptism. Very happy to have come across it.
I am humbled Today's message causes me to see Grace in another direction.... Although I thought I'd already seen it from every direction possible...
My ears and heart need this! Oh my! This whole series, so far, has set an urgency in me. Not only to continue to pray our Lord would bring Salvation to my loved ones but that I too would be better prepared for His impending judgement. I honestly have not cared to listen to series on Revelation, because of the way the book was presented, as a literal inturpitation. Please correct me if I'm wrong, the meaning is literal but like the parables our Lord taught, are symbolic of a greater truth. Satan's clutches seem to be getting tighter and tighter on this world and how he wants the world to view God, and I'm terrified for this world, of which I have loved ones a part of, as they view God more and more as a weak insignificant influence. Praise God for His true all sustaining Sovereignty! We are going to need it more then ever in the end when we Christians witness His judgement on all his creation! Prayers for you as you travel to Australia that God has prepared the hearts of those He has sent you to minister to.