A HARD NUT TO CRACK ! Thank you, Pastor McClelland, for tackling Ecclesiastes. Listening to you preach Solomon's autobiography of his life when he got away from God, is tremendously blessing me. There are so many things in Ecclesiastes that are dark and hard to understand. I am so grateful that The Holy Spirit has opened your understanding to them and is using you to bring that which is hidden out of the shell--truths that support the absurdity of the attempt of man to try to be happy without God.
WISDOM IS THE PRINCIPAL THING !! God's Word clearly reveals that there are two schools that bid for man and both send their literature. One is the SCHOOL OF WISDOM, the other is the school for fools. Those who are students in WISDOM'S CLASSROOM must have "a teachable spirit." And, Our Lord is gracious enough to send us a reminder of this fact through this sermon delivered by Pastor McClelland.
MUST HEAR! This is without a doubt,the best sermon I have ever heard.
The Apostle Paul might well have spoken these words.
Only a true man of the Lord God Almighty,could have such wisdom, compassion and discernment.
May the Living God of Life and Light,bless you now and always,as He already has and does pastor David.
Thank you for your amazing insight into the truth of the suffering saint.
To God be the glory,praise,honour,thanks and blessings, amen!
Great Sermon! It is amazing how painful and sobering truths presented in the brilliant light of God's sovereignty and electing love can bring great peace and liberty.
Great Sermon! Thank you Pastor for such a convicting message.It is true that we do what we want to do. The Lord has used this message in my life to examine what are my priorities.
LOVE NOT THE WORLD !! As Pastor McClelland is careful to point out in this sermon, Lot's wife actually started on her way to safety. But, Mrs. Lot's problem was the same that many professing Christians have today--no eagerness of heart to obey God because God is not their first love. God is a jealous God and those who just move their head slightly toward the world, He does not view as a small offense. God views it as sin worthy of death! C.H. Spurgeon said, "If we would follow the Lord wholly, we must go right away into the wilderness and leave the carnal world behind us. We must leave its maxims, pleasures, and religion and go far away to the place where the Lord calls His santified ones. When the town is on fire, our house cannot be too far from the flames. To all true believers, let the trumpet call be sounded, "Come ye out from among them; be yet separate." (2 Corinthians 6:17).
Great Savior. All our blessings come through Christ the Mediator, our Great High Priest. Through Him we offer our bodies as a living sacrifice unto God.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor, Thank you for your wonderful message. Every word you spoke was truth and oiled with the Holy Spirit. God bless you, your family and ministry, In Christ alone, Lia Leigh.
Great salvation. Christ appeased the wrath of God for our sins and accomplished our salvation. We can be right with God today because of the finished work of Christ. My conscience is free, I have not to try to work my salvation.
Great Sermon! I have listened to this sermon 2 times this week. And I plan to listen to it again and again. Pastor David has answered the question,"Why are some churches dead spiritually?" It isn't the building or the money or the numbers. A congregation will only thrive if God is there.
Great Sermon! God bless you Pastor! each time my heart becomes lukewarm (not cold, but lukewarm) I start feeling an anxiety in my spirit. It is the signal that I am departing from my true, first, pure, humble passion for Christ, my Lord. I then pray, and fast. Often I like to listen to good, cross-carrying sermons. Faith comes by hearing the Word. Someting happens inside me that can be attributed only to the breath of God on my heart. There are many things that men can do, good things...but I love the things only God can do; where there is no competition with His glory. Your sermon touched my heart 'as at first'. I encouarge you, Brother, to continue to walk the royal way of the cross, to say in all things: 'This is for You alone, my Lord...' I am a missionarry pastor here in Nigeria. You have watered my heart today. Be watered with the river of life also! God bless you, your family and your ministry, in Jesus name, Amen! Lia Leigh.
Secret of life. When we live with God and when we see things from this perspective, every thing has a purpose and a place in His plan. Life is no more frustrating, but has meaning and satisfaction. So, what gives life satisfaction is God.