Heart searching dissertation The considerations presented deserve attention. Yes, God looks at the heart, while definitively humans cannot. However, here is a small observation to balance the issue.
“Do not judge a book by its cover’ has become a defensive worldly philosophy that has crept into today’s evangelical way of thinking. To some it might even appear totally biblical. Certainly appearances can be deceiving, as pointed in the discourse, and discernment against all pharisaical self-deception is highly recommended.
However, on the other hand, what is in the heart it comes out and it reveals itself. Out of the abundance of the heart not only the mouth speaks, but inner attitudes, and values, or rebellion, become outwardly manifested. In other words, quite often, what one sees outwardly is symptomatic of what goes on inwardly. Surely we should ‘Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.’ John 7: 24. However, ‘Every tree is known by his own fruit. For of thorns men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes.’ Luke 6:44. One of our friends once said, certainly we should not judge by appearances, but there is nothing wrong about ‘fruit inspection’.
Great Sermon! Great sermon! Your sermon series on how to pray (as well as how not to pray) has been a huge blessing to us. Your teachings will help us greatly in our prayer lives, both together and individually.
Observations The yoke of ‘legalism’ is tiresome and painful when the heart is not submitted to righteousness. Normally, new babes in Christ with healthy appetites, embrace ensamples of righteousness exhibited by mature godly believers.
The prevalent philosophy today deviates from absolute right and wrong reasoning that ‘what is right for you, it might not necessary be right for me’ so everyone approves what it is right in his/her own eyes as a norm. It would not be advisable to flippantly place a sugar-free diet example along other basic issues were excellence defines right from wrong, as in God-honouring music for example. To the contentious, the godly are an obvious rebuke, to the ignorant, a leading light of better things, or an example, and to the rebellious a flavour unto perdition or unto death. We find rest by surrendering to excellence. ‘The righteous is more excellent than his neighbour’ Prov.12:26 ‘Daniel was preferred … because an excellent spirit was in him†Dan 6:3 “Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain,’ Heb 11:4 Let us ‘approve things that are excellent’ Phi.1:10.
Commendable standards If there were a need, or obligation, to remember the incarnation at any time of the year in the church calendar, this service could be a pattern of principle and value to follow.
It was lovely to observe the quality of God-honouring music, and the integration of all ages into the worship. From the readings, music interpreted, spiritual reverence and preaching, Christ was honoured with Scripture value, rather than with the sentimentalism and trappings of season.
Perhaps, it would be beneficial and healthy for the elect of God to put together more often services as this for Christ's exaltation as such, without having to resort to the Christmas pretext. Why not?
Great Sermon! What a beautiful service this was! Cecil and I have never been to a Christmas service like this before. The music and singing was beautiful and your message was so good. The whole service was about our Lord! No Christmas decorations was an added plus.
When in a strait .... the Lord will not cast off for ever, ... for he doth not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men.
Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?
Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the Lord.
Let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens.
Lam 3:31-33 -41.
Excellent Sermon! What a blessing this sermon was to us. It was a necessary reminder as well about how good God is. We need to be thinking on this daily, and give thanks to God continuously in all things. Thank you Pastor for this sermon, yes, God IS good, all the time!