Teaching with depth! The richness of this ministry nourishes the soul. Blessed be the Lord for granting nowadays such ministry to the church through the lives of young instruments. This is encouraging. It proves He has still good seed in the barrel for the way ahead of his work.
Great Sermon! The timing of this sermon seemed providential since I am on chapter 5 of John Owen's Grace and Duty of Being Spiritually Minded, narrating it into a newer audiobook. Pastor McClelland is one of about 5 pastors that I download continually to my IPOD to listen to while delivering the mail. Each of them benefit me differently, such as Rick Anderson, C J Mahaney, Voddie Baucham, James White... but I believe Pastor McClelland comes behind none of them in his communicating abilities and excellent application. I rejoice when a person's gifts are obviously from the Lord Jesus Christ -that which He gives to His Church, and in their preaching we hear His voice. T M S www.puritanaudiobooks.net
Great Sermon! Thank you so much!!
Needful. helpful, and totally truthful.
I will be listening to your other messages. So thankful for this means of spiritual food!!!
Trust the Lord's blessings be richly enjoyed by you and your family as you serve our Wonderful Lord!
Great Sermon! An excellent and moving message. No believer is immune to not needing this message at some point in time. Jesus Is the Heart of God! Amen!
Comforted Still I took occasion again to listen to this timely and practical message. Once again, God's Word brings comfort and composure as nothing else can. "My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' blood and righteousness. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand...." Thank you Bro. David, faithfulness to God's Word is its own reward, and the richest reward to those you shepherd.