A Must Hear This sermon absolutely broke my heart until I could not retain the tears. How have we been wounded? An absolutely MUST HEAR sermon. May God give us tears as a waterfalll.
Thank you pastor Holloway.
Needful Sermon! Interesting to learn that the terms "love", loved," "loving" were never mentioned in the book of the Acts of the Apostles. Yet that seems to be the main theme in sermons today.
Intimate Sermon Moving. Moving towards the lover of the brides soul. May our desire be such that his heart is ravished by it. Thank you Lord Jesus for delivering me from seeking unsatisfying temporal pleasures.
Thank God for this pastor. Please pray for him.
Great Sermon! The clarity of the two witness is profoundly observed on a daily basis. May God in his great mercies turn our hearts towards him with gratefulness and perfect devotion.
Thank you Lord for this servant who rightly divides your word. Bless him abundantly and all who hear what the Holy Spirit says.
Please pray for brother Holloway.
Great Sermon! We have met. The LORD and I. He has made me, such a wretched sinner, glad. Thank you Lord for this servant who always causes us to look into Christ.
Listeners, Please keep pastor Holloway in your prayers.
Great Sermon! This message is most relevant in light of today's crisis.
God help us if we are comfortable with the moth and not know sudden destruction is upon us as a church and a national. We must repent and come out of the world. Infections of various kinds is among us.
Great Sermon! Terrifying to not know when judgment has visited a people. Absolutely timely and worth full introspection. May God have mercy on his people and this nation.
May God raise up preachers like pastor Holloway. And please keep him in your prayers.
Great Sermon! Thank you pastor Holloway. God never withdraws his mercies even though his presence is at times withdrawn. Clouds are temporary and for our spiritual reliance on his everlasting promises in Christ Jesus our lord.
Please keep pastor Holloway in your prayers.
Great Sermon! This pastor loves the Lord and cares for the souls of men. You will know him by the fruit he produces that forms Christ consciousness in the heart.
Please keep this brother in your prayers.
Great Sermon! Even the prayer of this pastor is worth hearing. For it brings the soul into the presence of our dear Lord just as the Lord himself brings us into the present of the father.
Because he gives careful thought to hearing the Holy Spirit before he speaks, the speed can be a hinderance to the impatient. The words of his mouth and the meditation of his heart is indeed acceptable.
Pray for this pastor. Pray that God raises up others to speak the words of truth to our hearts.
Great Sermon! Another insightful message is rendered to the hearts of believers that know the greatest place to be is under his shadow. May God richly bless all who hear.
Please keep pastor Holloway in your prayers.
Great Sermon! Another converting sermon. Has God left the church to its own idols?
Thank you again pastor Holloway for diligently seeking the face of God. Your sermons opens eyes, ears, and changes hearts to desire his will.Readers, please pray for pastor Holloway in every way God reveals to your heart. You'll understand after listening to his sermons.
Great Sermon! The richness discovered is rarely experienced in the churches today. God has given to this man of God something most needful today.
Unfortunately, the recording is very slow and sometimes muffled. Increase the speed and enjoy the banquet.
Pray for this pastor. Pray for the people of God of which many have become comfortable with the dark and artificial light.
Great Sermon! So great a salvation cannot be forgotten.
May our God bless this pastor who has again lifted up before the people of God, and those about to be saved, the one to whom "Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might be unto our God for ever and ever." Amen
Please pray for pastor Holloway.
Great Sermon! CLARION CALL! To my finite and much limited knowledge, not since Luther, Calvin, Spurgeon or many others has...Pastor Holloway beings us near to the heart of him who saved us from our sin/sins. Has prayer in schools exposed our children to idols? Are preachers creating idolatrous hearts? where's the fear and trembling today? Much to contemplate. Pray that God gives him good health, strength, and an enlarged coast. God bless you pastor Holloway above how he has and is blessing those who hear the birthpangs.
Great Sermon! My soul was again converted. The intensity of the Spirit moves in the heart to seek the Lord. God has blessed us with someone who has a heart after him. The sermon palpates the life given through our Lord. He is exalted in our midst. May God raise up more people to bring truth to bear. Pray for pastor Holloway and members of his congregation.
Thank you precious Lord for given me ears to hear and receive. thank you Lord for pastor Holloway.