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Cherith Baptist Church
Barrett Holloway  |  Wedowee, Alabama
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Cherith Baptist Church
168 County Road 240
Wedowee, AL 36278
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"Great Sermon!"
Cecelia from AZ
Yes. He will build up Zion. You have participated in his labors. He has blessed your hearers in ways no others have. And I...
Barrett Holloway | Psalm 102:16
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Sermon1/15/2021 9:25 AM
Dwight from DC  Find all comments by Dwight
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Rebuilding The Temple
Barrett Holloway
“ Great Sermon! ”
It’s really interesting to learn why God raised up Cyrus gentle. There is so much in this sermon it takes time to digest each piece which is vital for Christian stability.

Sermon1/14/2021 4:06 PM
Mike from New York  Find all comments by Mike
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A Lodging Place In The Wilderness
Barrett Holloway
“ Great Sermon! ”
Whether or not America is done is up to God, not politicians. But it wouldn’t hurt for believers to plead for mercy, would it? Consider also we aren’t alone in this slide into the darkness. The whole world is on the same path.

Sermon1/14/2021 10:50 AM
Stephanie from AZ  Find all comments by Stephanie
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A Lodging Place In The Wilderness
Barrett Holloway
“ GREAT Sermon! ”
When we consider just how quickly Rome fell we cannot turn a blind eye to what is happening to America. Consider also how men risked their lives in signing the Declaration of Independence. They stood for America. They believed in principles that would form a more perfect union. But today every man does what is right in his own eyes for personal gain. God has sent us strong delusion because we have allowed truth to fall in the streets. Some believers say "we're confused" when really we aren't. Daniel realized what caused it. It is sin. It is time to turn to the Lord for pardon. It is time to meet our Lord; for America will not recover. Thank you brother Holloway for this message which was delivered before the final Electoral College vote.

Sermon1/12/2021 11:53 AM
Cora Suither from PA  Find all comments by Cora Suither
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The Two Witnesses Are Dead #1
Barrett Holloway
“ Absolutely Powerful ”
Mostly dead people go to dead churches to hear words from a dead preacher.And those who once professed the faith are being choked by the smoke rising from a bottomless pit. There is no life in them. Thank you for the warning, the urgency to examine the self life, and a reminder to always be filled with the Holy Spirit of God. May God bless you Pastor Holloway.

Sermon1/12/2021 10:49 AM
Stephanie from AZ  Find all comments by Stephanie
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The Two Witnesses Are Dead #2
Barrett Holloway
“ Heaven Sent Sermon! ”
Thank you so much for making clear again who the Harlot and the Beast are. Few realize the utter impact of the Church marrying the World's system. We continue to embrace systems or programs from men, whose true motives we know not, on how to make the church and Christians function successfully in this world's system. We fail to buy wisdom from God who alone is wise. The church, which God purchased with his own blood, is built on love alone. Love that gives up claims of self-preservation. The Beast is truly riding on the Harlot. We must make all effort to hear what God alone has to say about his people. Thank you for this wonderful sermon that is filled with insight.

Sermon1/7/2021 12:31 PM
Stephanie from TX  Find all comments by Stephanie
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Little Chambers
Barrett Holloway
“ God Fearing Sermon! ”
America sits in darkness. What about professing Christians? How many has God given up because what they knew of God, they did not glorify him as God … It is beneficial to have a healthy fear of God and to fellowship with others that fear him. Thank you again for not fearing man. Your messages truly sets the captive free from things not even known to him.

Sermon1/5/2021 12:28 PM
Stephanie from TX  Find all comments by Stephanie
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The Reality Of A Mystical Presence
Barrett Holloway
“ Necessary Sermon! ”
Really great to have such thorough explanation on why man cannot prove God. One would have to be greater than God himself to convince a creature that He is. It a total waste of time to throw precious meat to swine. He'll vomit it up in his sinful pride. 1 Corinthians 14:24-25 is worth praying and meditating over for future encounters with those who want to pretend that there is no one greater than himself. What dillusion! Thank you for hammering another nail into what man is trying hard to demolish. Truth.

Sermon1/4/2021 1:57 PM
Yolanda from AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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I Am Alive For Evermore
Barrett Holloway
“ Great Sermon! ”
Praise be to our great God that we who were once dead are now alive also. but in Christ. He lives. He lives. Thank you again Pastor Barrett Holloway.

Sermon1/3/2021 3:12 PM
Stephanie from AZ  Find all comments by Stephanie
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The Voice Of God In Creation #1
Barrett Holloway
“ First Words! ”
Pastor Holloway continues to speak from God's heart. I thank God and am greatly appreciative of the fact that if you start in the beginning with God, then man has no time to establish his own traditions. E.g. Pastor Holloway is not bringing to the hearers traditions of man. He starts with God and ends with the work God has done, is doing, and will do in order to fulfill his plan laid out by him from the beginning to end; in the world, the church, his redeemed ones, and what is stored up for the wicked. Thank you pastor Holloway for caring for the souls of men. Glory, honor, power, and praise unto him that is seated on the throne. Listeners, please pray for this man of God. You'll be the better for it.

Sermon1/3/2021 11:17 AM
Stephanie from AZ  Find all comments by Stephanie
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“ Humbling Sermon! ”
A most powerful sermon. This piece of man's art of God in flesh is heretical and idolatrous. The picture interferes with our effort to approach Christ in his glory as portrayed in Rev. 1:13-5. Only a wicked fallen creature would put such in our viewing. It has infected and damaged true worship. Are there any that fall as "one dead" when he is exalted in our midst? Receiving the revelation that God gives about his Son in his glory leaves one helpless and without strength. We have no strength to rise on our own. The resurrection power of God is experienced so that we continue in the strength of the Lord. Pastor Holloway your sermons unite our hearts with the living Saviour and I want to thank God for giving you to me. Your are a gift to the Bride, the Body of Christ. May many others be raised up to preach Christ, him crucified, and glorified. I want to encourage all who take the time to listen (increase the speed), to pray fervently for this man of God. It is hard to find a man after God's heart today. Please pray for Pastor Holloway. He has become my friend although I've not met him face to face. Because he love our Lord, he cares for the souls of men. Necessity is laid upon him.

Sermon1/2/2021 12:55 PM
Stephanie from AZ  Find all comments by Stephanie
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Worthy Is The Lamb
Barrett Holloway
“ Great Sermon! ”
Yes. He is truly, truly worthy. Thank you again for such a reassuring and edifying message. I am always blessed and urged to keep on believing. May God bless you, bless you, bless you and the hearers of the Word of God.

Sermon1/2/2021 10:12 AM
Nete from MD  Find all comments by Nete
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“ Alarming! ”
But unto the wicked God saith, “What have you to do to declare my statutes, or that you shouldest take my covenant in your mouth? Seeing you hate instruction, and cast my words behind thee (Psalm 50:16,17)? It seems as though they who hate God are the ones who leave the assemblies with vessels that are empty and they don’t know the difference, being professors only. Is it that professors embrace smooth preaching that appeals to the natural inclinations? May God deliver me who am sometimes seeking to gain materially as the preaching draws my attention to the perishable. Thank you again pastor Holloway. May God bless you REAL BIG.

Sermon1/1/2021 10:24 AM
Yolanda from AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you again pastor.

Sermon12/31/2020 10:04 PM
Yolanda from AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Tell Me Thy Name
Barrett Holloway
“ Wonderful Sermon! ”
It’s only when God brings us to the end of ourselves we realize that he is all sufficient. He starts his work and he will finish it. Thank you man of God.

Sermon12/30/2020 9:56 AM
Yolanda from AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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A Stumblingstone & Rock Of Offence
Barrett Holloway
“ Incredible Sermon! ”
There’s so much richness in this message.It is humbling. It generates Thanksgiving and praise to our great Gid and Saviour. Thank you for offending my flesh; my natural way of viewing the word of truth. There is no salvation apart from the cross and salvation is about the glory of God John 17:3, the Lordship of Christ and then it is about our salvation. Thank you again Pastor Holloway. God bless you and bless the hearers of this message.

Sermon12/29/2020 11:24 PM
Nete from MD  Find all comments by Nete
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Wrong Methods & Wrong Message
Barrett Holloway
“ Great Sermon! ”
Your clarification on how the word world is used is much appreciated. I didn’t realize it had so many different usages and it all makes sense. Thank you for your efforts And making things easily understood. Hey God bless you.

Sermon12/29/2020 8:33 PM
Yolanda from AZ  Find all comments by Yolanda
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He Was Made In The Likeness Of Men
Barrett Holloway
“ Great Sermon! ”
So glad that God led me to this preacher of the word of God.

Sermon12/29/2020 11:01 AM
Stephanie from TX  Find all comments by Stephanie
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Wrong Methods & Wrong Message
Barrett Holloway
“ Alarming! ”
I have been crying all morning because of this message as if I am in mourning. I can't quite understand why. I'm just sorrowing as I am listening. Please pray for me. May God deliver us from the doctrinal error, heresy, and traditions of man. May God bless you pastor Holloway. May others lean their tents on the pillars of truth as you've done and are doing. God bless you Barrett Holloway. Listeners, I beseech you to pray for this man of God.

Sermon12/28/2020 9:33 AM
Nete from MD  Find all comments by Nete
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He Offered One Sacrifice
Barrett Holloway
“ Great Treasure! ”
Thank you heavenly Father for opening the ears of those yearning for Christ's presence, and being assured that you are speaking through a messenger of truth. Pastor God sent you to me. May he bless you above you could ever imagine in this life. All listeners, please pray for this man of God. Pray that others will be raised up to preach what God has said and is saying.

Sermon12/27/2020 11:37 PM
Yolanda from Arizona  Find all comments by Yolanda
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Arise, Let Us Go Hence
Barrett Holloway
“ Another Great Sermon! ”
Thank you Pastor Holloway for this much needed and encouraging sermon.

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