A Great Sermon! Thank God for giving listeners a man after his heart. You aren’t spewing out information you possess. But ministering truths to the inner man by the Spirit of God; truths that transform the inner man. Truths that enlighten us to God’s plan for us. The truth that transforms the mind and makes us think and inquire into the deeps things of God. I am grateful to have discovered you on SA. Thank you. God has blessed and will continue to bless.
Great Reforming Sermon Not the fire of Jonathan Edward. But the truth and grievous passion for God’s glory, Christ church, and the world. May our God of glory set our hearts on fire for righteousness. Pastor Holloway, my prayer is that God I enlarges your coasts. We need pastors like yourself. May those listening to you petition God for your portion 2 Kings 2:9.
Great Sermon! The fear that God will say, ‘depart from me, I never knew you’ should keep us humble.May he search the hearts of all listeners and create in them a clean heart.
Thank you brother Holloway.
Great Sermon! Thank you again for an enlightening sermon. I am praying that God replaces your grief over the state of our churches with joy. May he revive us all that we may rejoice in him. May we desire to be yoked securely with our God in the Spirit of Christ and buy of him fine gold.
Great Sermon! I love your teaching/preaching and the way your bring treasures from both the Old and New Covenants.
May our great God bless the listeners of the truths spoken through your words. May God enlarge your coasts pastor Holloway.
Meaty Sermon! There is so substance in this sermon until it’s hard to comment on a single converting and thought provoking truth.
I am so grateful to have discovered your sermons. I understand how that you have made yourself a prey. You might want to stay away from hollow logs.
May our great God bless all listeners as much as he has blessed my soul. Thank you Pastor Holloway.
Great Sermon! There’s lots to think about and meditate upon. Why is cremation not a good thing? Thank you again Pastor Barrett Holloway. May God bless you and raise up others, like yourself, who genuinely care for the souls of God‘s people.
Soul Searching Sermon! Each of your sermons cut me through to the quick in some measure. They always bring conversion in some area of my dark heart. They always strengthen my ties with the one who saved me to the praise of his glory and his grace. Thank you again my brother. May God bless the listener as much as he has blessed me. God has spoken through you truths that need to be known among his people. And may he bless you again and again and again.
Dreadful Sermon! The fear of God cascaded over me as I wondered if I was/am sitting in darkness, or among others who don’t talk of becoming more and more enlightened with increased revelation of Jesus. There’s no expressed joy after fellowship. If our gathering can be called such. Thank you again and again and again for causing my soul to cling to its Savior and LORD. I so want to see him enjoyed in all things. God bless you and all the listeners of such fine teaching. Thank you pastor Barrett.
An Alarming Sermon! I have given people a false hope of salvation telling them to simply believe without encouraging them to grow in the Grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. And they did not fellowship with the people of God afterwards.
Needful Message Thank you for shedding light on the state we find ourselves in the world. But thank God we who abide in Christ shall walk in the Light.
Great Sermon! This is such a good sermon. Many teach that one has to make Jesus Lord. He is always and already Lord. In the first place it is the Lord willing to save his own. We can’t make him anything except grieved over our willful sinning. Thank you pastor Holloway.
The Listening Heart We must pray when we cannot do anything but pray. Thank you pastor. There’s nothing but total agreement with this message. I receive all that you’ve spoken.
Great Sermon! Discovering that Christ, our bridegroom, is altogether lovely. He is presented, not as a lamb one would take into the home as a pet. But as The Lamb taken into the heart as a possession and finding that he is without spot or blemish in every part. Pastor Holloway, like a biologist, presents every part or the man Christ Jesus and finds that he is altogether the perfect man without fault. And to think that he is the lover of the souls of believers can be overwhelming if not for his mercy. Oh how he loves us redeemed vile creatures. He is God and LORD.
May God bless all hearers.
Non Traditional Sermon! Brother Holloway. You would never make the cut in today's evangelical circles. Never! Your words are stout to those who have been exalted in Christendom. To come out of the world is simply going through routine motions each Sunday.
May God bless the readers of this much needed message.
To challenge any message is to be ostracized quickly.
Sounding the Alarm! Well examined, well presented, and well converting. Secret things are being more and more revealed to the genuine believer.
Thank you Barrett Holloway.