The Spirit of The Lord is upon you! I was reading Isaiah 63:18 and I looked to hear a message on it to help me understand the meaning fully and you were to only person that spoke on it and my spirit leaped as I listened to your other messages! I can’t tolerate the churches here and I yearn for fellowship and those who yearn for The Master’s voice. You remind me of Tozier, Sparks, Spurgeon and Art Katz, I hunger for such men of God to teach me, but the famine of “hearing the word is nigh us! Please keep teaching The Word, many are edified by it. Shalom be in you and your household.
A Spiritual Tuneup. My dear friend Barrett.
You, with the aid of Holy Spirit, always bring to the Lord's table the nourishment that tunes the heart to sing the praises of our great God and King. Once again, I have been given a portion of daily bread and want to thank you much, much, much.
You are such a blessing to my soul. I believe that in my flesh I will see you.
Needful Sermon! May our great God who made the ear open them and incline our hearts to do His will while there’s still time. May our brothers and sisters in Christ open their mouths and speak the truth to his neighbor and to his brethren for the glory of God.
Great Sermon! This is an after-the-fact sermon for me.Nevertheless God has spoken once again so clearly to us soul. What a truth you’ve brought forth. May God bless you tenfold.
Great Sermon! You preached what has been on my mind for a month at least. Key passage of scripture was “salvation is of the Lord“ if he is not exalted in the minds of the people there’s no other place to look for Salvation. He is not mentioned in many churches anymore. At least those I’ve attended. Also, no one seems to blush anymore
Great Sermon! I'm always grateful to God for the portion he has allotted to you. It has fallen unto me and I am glad.
May God continue to bless the hearer. May he double your portion by enlarging your coasts.
Great Sermon! This is so revealing until I cannot contain its effect on my soul.
Your exhortation is to be known to the churches lacking insight of the importance of preparing the heart to eat the bread from heaven.
Great Sermon! Psalm 89:33 is very comforting to my soul. I shall not be moved when seeking his kingdom. prayer is a hiding place. It is where we find assurance. It is the place for the believer and where friendships are cemented. Thank you for confirming my experiences talking with our God.