Great Sermon! This sermon was great. I've always loved the story of Esther but have never heard in a sermon quite this way before. I really apperciate Pastor DiCanio's encouragment in this measage and a rebuke as well to my own soul. Be encouraged that it was a blessing to my soul. Thank you Dave for that measage. My prayers are with your work there in Columbine and Denver. May the Lord bless you as He has me this day. Thank you again.
Great Sermon! I did appreciate this Sermon. The concern shown for children is vital and increasingly necessary. I must say I have a grave concern though, about the nature of the education given to children. From the Schoolmen and Aquinas we have the Catholic doctrine of sacred/secular dichtomoy. This position previals today but is not the philosophy developed at the time of the Reformation. Calvin and Bullinger following him came to conclusions (from Scripture and not Natural Law) that ALL life is Religious and no area can be arbitrialiy excluded from this. Certainty in a philosophical sense, was not rigidly placed into the realm of formal logic and Mathematics(you can see this further developed by Van Til in 'Christian Theory of Knowledge') From the above you can see a clear stream of thought which encapsulates all knowledge in a Worldview. When we then ask (as Reformed Believers) how we are to educate our children it should be obvious that the agnostic curriculum is inadequate and wrong. A Christian Education should be just that, not a 'Private, Church School' but an education which is self-consciously Christian in fulfillment of Deu 6:7 (notice the word there 'Teach') I Pray that the Church here will set up TRULY Christian Schools NOW!
Great Sermon! A tremendously challenging message as to the believer's need to evangelise the lost and where the eternal punishment of the lost was powerfully described.
Great Sermon! It makes me feel good that there are other denominations that are still fighting for Christ and not just laying down. I am an independant baptist that is seeing my denomination go new evangelical. I am glad that men like Ian Brown, Colin Mercer, and my fav. Dr Ian Paisley. Thank you so much
Great Sermon! Dear Sir,
This was an OUTSTANDING message on head covering. It sure needs to be preached more in churches today. I was just wondering, do you believe it is for corporate worship only or all the time, since the Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. I would love to hear your thought on this. God bless you. I am a head covering wearer.
Great Sermon! thank you for your message on the pope/papacy. I am a born again Christian in florida/usa, and trust in the catholic faith has sent most of my family members into a Godless eternity. God bless your proclaiming of the Truth!
Great Sermon! This is a powerful 'warning' gospel message of the danger of being Christless. It is possible to 'profess' Christ yet still not possess Him. It is also a message of hope to even the chief of sinners.
Informative Sermon! Thank you, Rev Mercer, for this clear teaching on the headcovering and the reasons for it. Fashions may change but God's word still stands. My wife and I especially appreciated the point about the angels - to God be the glory.
Thank you for this sermon Thank you Rev. Mercer for making this sermon aviable. This is such an important topic that is looked over by so many. I think headcovering should be preached a lot more often, so those woman who do not cover can see the errors of their ways and start to follow God's instruction on this. This sermon has been a real blessing. God bless.
Great Sermon! This was a great sermon regarding I Corinthians 11 and the headcovering. I am the only one in my local church who wears one and at times I get discouraged. This message truly encouraged me even more that my obedience to the Lord is the most important thing in this life. Thank you for such a great message. God bless.
A Time to Remember..indeed WE MUST. An excellent sermon and a great personal blessing to one who was born in Northumberland. O' that God would raise up once again a Minister in that county so faithful and valiant for God and His Truth and that He would be pleased to raise up yet many still in England in rememberance of and answer to Ridley's and Latimer's prayers.
Read J C Ryle: Five English Reformers..if we are not deeply moved by the chapter on Latimer and Ridley then we must question our profession to be a Bible Christian.
Ridley's last words before the fire was lighted were these, "Heavenly Father, I give Thee most hearty thanks that Thou-hast called me to a profession of Thee even unto death. I beseech Thee, Lord God, have mercy on this realm of England, and deliver the same from all her enemies. ' Latimer's last words were like the blast of a trumpet, which rings even to this day,-" Be of good comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man; we shall this day, by God's grace, light such a candle in England as I trust shall never be put out."
Great Sermon! Look forward to the second sermon.
The uk is blighted by a hurricane of false doctrine and a multitude of cunning crafty apostates and deceivers in religious garb. Antichrist religion-"Popery" and all the roads that lead to Rome from false ecumenism to neo-evangelicalism.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Beware of the wolf in sheeps clothing.
Ephesians 4:14 we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
The 450th anniversary should prove a sound historical reminder of why these godly martyrs suffered at the hand of Romish antichrist religion.
The light still burns in the midst of the present plague of spiritual darkness...but only few are willing to carry the candle. The Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster is one candle that still burns brightly.
Pray daily that the candle will not flicker and consequently die.
"Be of good cheer, Ridley; and play
the man. We shall this day, by God's grace, light up such a candle in
England, as I trust, will never be put out."
Timely Address! No matter the name of the current occupant, the office remains the same ... the Pope of Rome blasphemously sits on the seat of God on earth! Check out this great sermon that trains the spotlight on the Character, Claims and Condemnation of the Pope! A must-hear on the day when the cardinals are meeting in conclave to select a new "successor to St. Peter"!
Great Sermon! further more, I know that I will get through these rough times, as long as I stay in His Word, [King James AV1611]. I will stay on my God and trust in His Name. Keep up the good work Sermon Audio. In Christ, Bruce Lantto Isa 12:2
Great sermon!! Thank You, Sermon Audio for this sermon by Pastor Mercer.I listened to this sermon yesterday and it helps to have these sermons when you are struggling. I am having a hard time keeping my head above water[but I am not struggling with assurance]I hesitate to say that I am going through a Job like experience like is written in Job 23:3-5, 8-10, but I have God's Word in verses 11-12 to strengthen me in these trials and I haven't abandoned Him, because He hasn't left me alone. I thank God that I have His Word [and this sermon has been a sermon God is using to get back me on track, I am going through some things that overwhelm me at times and without Sermon Audio making these sermons available, helps me to get my focus back. God is so faithful
Great Sermon! If you have a family (especially children) then I trust you will listen to this sermon which I found greatly convicting...especially the danger that can lurk in our very own homes. One thing we can be sure of...Satan is interested in our children...eye gate and ear gate surely need guarded. I only wish we had more such sober warnings from every Christian Pastor!
Great Sermon! Having been thinking much re: Elijah's prayer earlier this afternoon I Kings 18: 42,43..then hearing Rev Mercer cover our great need to cry unto God in our affliction (prevailing prayer), 'then thou wilt hear and help'...Our eyes only upon the ONE who is Almighty when we have no might...THE ONE who can intervene in His mercy and grace and rescue us in the day of trouble..found such to be a great blessing.