Great Sermon! This was a wonderful sermon. Our entire family listened to it as we were studying Latimer and Ridley this week in our homeschool history studies.
From the heart. A blessed message, from the Bible and from the heart and the experience of the preacher. A message for ministers and for congregations. God may give to our churches ministers like this!
Prayer and evangelism. The principal purpose of the church is evangelism, of giving testimony about Christ. The church in the beginning was dedicated to prayer and evangelism in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Going with God. The text for this sermon is chapter 5, not 15. We must not do the work without God; at the same time, when God moves, we must be ready to move also.
Prepared by God. Good presentation of the introduction of Protestantism in France, the persecutions and the struggles for faith. In this context God prepares a great French reformer, Calvin.
Guidance. Further steps to blessing: submission to God and sanctification. Trusting God for the unknown future. The future is known to Him. Trusting in His guidance.
Prophet and King. Christ as Prophet and King. The priestly work of Christ was finished and effective. Christ is mighty to save, to call effectively His chosen ones to salvation. This is our confidence in evangelism.
Evangelism. A church with evangelistic concern, the priority of preaching, in the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit leads to evangelize the lost.
We need this Message in America Rev Nelson offers an important message for North American Churches. We have drifted away to the point we can read anything we want into scripture. Even the most Reformed Churches today do not preach this truth about head coverings. Worse, our children can read & see right through our hypocrisy and lose respect for the Church.
May the Lord Bless those who Preach his Truth
Great encouragement What an encouragement this sermon is, and a reminder that there are no 'levels' of suffering. Each has his own suffering and darkness that requires trust in God - not a trite phrase, as this minister so rightly puts it, but a reality that will lift up and encourage when the believer is in darkness. A great review of what the Word has to say to those who are weary.