Awesome message! Marvellously illustrative of the text. These images show the reality of life,
sin and it's consequences, and God's
great way of salvation through Christ, whereby life can be lived in all its fulness.
Dr Masters draws out the powerful
arguements about the brevity of life
so beautifully which are contained
in this wonderful verse, and coupled with
the visuals; this makes for a compelling
evangelistic tract!
Great Sermon! Thank you Dr. Masters - Oh how our souls need sermons that are right to the point.
How much can be said...with so few words!!
I emailed this to all 4 of my children. May the LORD use this to draw them to himself!
Keep it coming ... Here it's Dr. Masters with his God-given distinctive way to convey a message in a clear, strong yet kind manner. I personally would like to see more of these being produced and published in the future (and even translated into other languages). Thank you.
A Powerful illustration A powerful tract that is not only received through the 'ear-gate' but the 'eye-gate' as well. This video must be broadcast to the youth of today. In an age where society is stimulated through the television screen and other
visual imagery this sermon to the eyes demands a cannot be ignored.
Great Sermon! This is a very good Tool to reach a generation that is very much into the visual rather than reading or just listening... I would just add the the scripture text need to be a bit more obvious or larger font..
A great tool for personal witness A short video full of biblical truth about this specific topic which not many people want to think of. In fact, is a taboo topic for many. Sooner or later, we will come to that point and the question is: For whom have we lived? For Christ or for the world?
USING TECHNOLOGY FOR GOOD !! A brief and to the point video. May it please God to bring many viewers to it and use it as a mighty channel of blessing. Sin is the cause of death--"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). I am so thankful for "the gift" (salvation through Jesus Christ) that God gave to me when I called out to Him in despair at age 50. That calling out to Him was birthed in me (did not know then, but know now) by The Holy Spirit. I am now 68 years of age and I do not fear death because I have been made a NEW CREATURE in Christ. Sin no longer has reigning power over me. And, the wrath of God is no longer upon me because Jesus Christ purchased my pardon for me by dying at Calvary for my sins. The wages for my sin fell on Him. He bore my punishment and death no longer is a stalker of me that steals my peace and joy. Jesus is REAL. Jesus does SAVE. Call on Him TODAY.
Great Sermon! Great message and video. Such a welcome addition to SermonAudio and the internet generally as so many evangelistic videos are 'fluffy' and light weight or long and cold. Thank you Dr Masters. It's been added to our website already!
AN APPOINTED WATCHMAN !! I so very much appreciate that Pastor Masters has an understanding of Bible prophecy. He does NOT lead his hearers down the same road as those (Tim LaHaye, Jerry Jenkins, Hal Lindsey, etc.) who have taken God's Word and turned it into apocalyptic fictional novels and movies. They have usurped God's divine authority and holy wisdom with their own blasphemous ideas and concepts, using their human imaginations to put a 'Hollywood' spin on The Holy Writ. And, the people love to have it so! Apostasy in the Church is spreading by leaps and bounds. Like with Jeremiah, God has given unto Pastor Masters a warning ministry -- "RETURN TO THE OLD PATHS!!" Jeremiah 6:16. But, as with Jeremiah, the warning is proving to be not only unwelcome, but it is being rejected by the people. Even so, Pastor Masters, I encourage you to continue to teach the difference between the holy and the profane so that the blood of the wicked will not be "required at thine hand" Ezekiel 33:7-8.
A GOOD THING TO DO !! I am finding, Pastor Masters, your suggestion to keep notes in the back of my Bible to be a very helpful thing to me. As I study the scriptures and I read a PROMISE of God, I write it down (along with where I found it in God's Word). I'm loving having this "promise" reference sheet that I am compiling. Today, I was studying Luke 19 and made note of God's promise concerning profitable and unprofitable servants. What a source of encouragement to know that God has promised to INCREASE those who have been good stewards of the abilities and resources which He has given to them for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth. Like any good businessman, God expects a profit, and He holds us accountable for what we have done with what He has entrusted to us.
YOU ARE A GIFT FROM GOD !! Pastor Masters, you are a wonderful "light-bearer." I am one who hungers and thirsts after righteousness. Your wisdom and understanding of scriptures is a tremendous help to me. God is so very gracious to have brought you along side of me, via SermonAudio, to show me pearls in His Word. Every day, I am advancing by leaps and bounds in knowledge of spiritual things. To God be the glory! He saved me at age 50. I am now 68. Please pray for the salvation of my husband, Charles (also 68 years of age). I am faithful to earnestly pray for him and to live out Christ before him. I so much long to see him, too, knowing and walking with Our Lord. I like your sermon deliverance style. You don't talk down to your hearers! Instead, you have an affectionate fatherly manner. Thus, I am drawn to stay engaged with you and listen to what you have to say.
HIGHLY RECOMMEND !! This is an insightful and helpful message. There abounds today much false teaching, especially among the Charismatics and Pentecostals, concerning being led of The Spirit. Pastor Masters wonderfully brings the listener back to the scriptures for a right understanding.
GOD'S BOUNDLESS MERCY !! Thank you, Pastor Masters, for making the point that the prodigal son was a very long way from home. And, even at that far distance, the father (God) saw his repentant, hurting child and ran out to embrace and receive him way before the boy reached home's gate. God, Our Father, knows His Children’s weakened state. Apart from Him, none can make the trek back home. It’s a journey fueled by God’s Amazing Grace. It’s ALL OF HIM and none of us! Even our repentant spirit is “worked in us” from above. God permitted the prodigal son to have the “slopping the hogs” experience for the changing of his proud heart.
NO CHANGE INSIDE !! Pastor Master’s teaching regarding conforming vs transforming reminded me of a cartoon character (a mischievous little boy) whose mother had told him to sit in the corner and the comment line was this -- “I may be sitting down on the outside, but I’m standing up on the inside.” The boy was conforming, but was not transformed. His heart remained rebellious!
HIS PREACHING FELL ON DEAF EARS !! Jeremiah is often called “the weeping prophet” because he shed tears over the sins of his people. It is good that Pastor Masters reminds us that Jeremiah was a "pleading prophet," too! He pleaded for the people to return to God's way and "walk in the old paths" of God's Law. They refused (Jeremiah 6:16). I know how Jeremiah felt. I have pleaded with people to seek after God and to honor Him, but they mind not the things of God. Instead, they run after the things of the world. God's message was NOT popular with the people in Jeremiah's day and it is NOT popular with the people in my day. Jeremiah sometimes became discouraged, but he never quit (Jeremiah 20:9). And, those who truly love God and the souls of men, will never quit (II Timothy 4:2-5).