Great Sermon! Love all of your sermons Dr Masters. Wish I lived in London. I’m way out here in the land of the pagans trying to shine my little light. You build me up and always shine new revelation into the Word. Thank you much. You are a blessing. In Christ
Great Sermon! I love your preaching. I listen to you often. I was disappointed that you didn’t include the need for “being baptizedâ€, since the jailer & his family were baptized immediately. Jesus said to be baptized. Matt. 28:19. Thank you, Joan Pitts
Remembering Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. (Micah 5:2 KJV).
Cleansing of The Temple It is worth noting the example of Jesus Cleansing The Temple in Matthew 21:12–17, Mark 11:15–19, Luke 19:45–48, and John 2:13-16. It is also worth remembering Psalm 69:9 and Isaiah 56:7 as well.
A Reference To The Brazen Serpent As Moses lifted up the brass serpent in the wilderness, even so must The Son of Man be lifted up. Very helpful reference to John 3:14. The story of the brazen serpent is noted in Numbers 21:4-9.
Great Sermon! This blessed sermon was a joy to hear. And it was preached in a manner that was easy to understand. It answered so many questions that I have had over the years and was preached with sincerity and a bit of light humor but not in an annoying joking kind of way. I love Dr Peter Masters way of teaching, never disappointed whenever I find sermons on doctrines that I seek for better understanding. If I come across something that puzzles me and I see his name in the list of men teaching among other Bible knowledgeable preachers I will always chose him, and he never disappoints me. Never! He has blessed me more times than I can ever remember. Praise the Lord for this Holy Spirit filled Bible expositer.
Great Sermon! A most excellent message that convicts to the heart and sadly is much too short. Dr. Masters wastes not a breath clarifying piecing questions and setting out the motivations for us believers to advance in Christ. Simple, Clear, Thorough!
Cutting word of God Very intriguing postulation about the intentions of the King in the events in Daniel 3. It seems likely that the image was made in the likeness of the king from his dream.
Times preceding Christ's second coming A very vivid description is presented of the signs of the end preceding the second coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
"How near are we to these events, and how should they affect us now?"
"So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors" (Matthew 24:33).
"Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine" (2 Timothy 4:2).
Great Sermon! Dr. Peter Masters is greatly helped by the power of the holy Spirit to explain why we should not love the world: the world vanisheth away. Wonderful to share in the fragrance of our Lord while sitting under the preaching of God's holy Word. Cherished. Much appreciated.