Well-researched, and from the heart. Yvonne Waite is right on. She obviously knows what she is talking about. And from someone who has been stricken with severe depression in the past, please look for good professional help if you are not feeling well, and please also encourage others to do the same.
Great Sermon! I really like the preaching about the kjv that it really Superior from other version of the bible please..send some of your preaching in my email add..julius_punsalan@yahoo.com i realy love to hear it because i learn a lot,Thank you Pastor very much, keep on preaching about the King James bible because the Lord Jesus Christ was being Exalted others is not.
What English Bible Is Doctrinally Correct? In the Roman Catholic Church an imprimatur (from Latin, "let it be printed") is an official declaration by a Church authority that a book (e.g., an English Bible translation) or other printed work is doctrinally correct and may be published. Accordingly, what English translation of the Bible is doctrinally correct, has an imprimatur by a Protestant Church authority and may be printed? Thank you!
WARNING: Remarriage After Marriage => Hell? Thank you Dr. Waite. Most Bible Passages on Divorce and Remarriage Bible are clear (e.g., Luke 16, Mark 10, I Cor 7): NO Remarriage is permitted after divorce. However, don't two NT passages (e.g., Matthew 5 & 19) permit Remarriage but not in the modern context? Are fornication or desertion grounds for Remarriage?:
(1.) YES. During the ancient Betrothal (i.e., modern engagement) Period = Divorce and Remarriage permitted. (2.) NO. After the Wedding and Sexual Consummation = Adultery. Thus, why are there so many unbiblical views hosted on SermonAudio.com? Aren't most of these sermons allowing Christians to commit Adultery yet the Bible is clear: "[Adulterers] shall NOT inherit the Kingdom of God" (I Cor 6:9)? Won't Adulterers burn in Hell? Pastors be warned: "Whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required." (Luke 12:48)
Bible Warning Powerful and essential message on the omissions in the NIV and NASB, which demonstrates the doctrinal errors and the attacks on the deity of Christ, observed in modern versions. This message reveals the necessity of retaining and using the KING JAMES VERSION of the Word of God, for Christians everywhere. Thank you Dr. Waite.
Great Sermon! A valuable lesson from the word of God.
Is there a battle for holiness in your life? Where there is no battle, there is no holiness. With no holiness, there is no work of regeneration.
The Christian fights against the tide of his old nature. The unbeliever goes with the flow of the world.
Great Sermon! My comment is that divorcing was and is a very painful situation. It makes it even harder if you love Christ and want to follow HIM as HIS disciple. I Had to divorce, and get an annulment ( I really do not know if annulments are true or not, but I got one from my catholic church then.) It bothered me so much to divorce and then even to get an annulment...I was a "sinner" I said to myself. My husband then, would place his police gun to my head several times and was verbally abusive for 2 1/2 years....Dr.s told me that I could not live like that. I was ill from the fear. He was an alcoholic and an adulterer....I then 7 years later remarried in a Methodist church and 26 years later, Our Lord brought me home to my Baptist church here in Chicopee, Ma. My burden was lifted, and when I heard that with a good confession to our Lord for leaving my then husband, and if I was saved, I would be forgiven.....Praise God. Many people who are saved HAVE to leave their spouses as I did...and it is the most painful situation I have ever been through....so this sermon helped me. Bless you.
Your Sister in Christ,
Great Sermon! I greatfully ask if you would send me any teaching for so long I have thirst and hunger for god,but so many teach false hoods thank you may god bless you and keep you always.