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Bible For Today Baptist Church
Collingswood, New Jersey
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"Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley in Hell"
Anonymous Name
It should be noted that Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley both died in their sins and are now tormented in Hell. As the...
Yvonne Sanborn Waite, D.Hum. | Just For Women (JFW/120c)
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Sermon2/19/05 2:01 PM
Theodore P. Letis from Atlanta, Georgia  Contact via email
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Differences With Ted Letis #1
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Corrections... ”
In my 30 years of academic endevor never have I encountered such misinformation and misrepresentation. A comprehensive refutation of these three sermons can be found in the official newsletter of the Institute for Renaissance and Reformation Biblical Studies,titled: HUMANITAS Autumn 2004, edited by Theodore P. Letis, Ph.D., and will be provided free of charge for all who ask by contacting the Institute at: Letist@aol.com

Sermon2/9/05 10:14 AM
Arthur from Scotland  
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The Battle Within
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Whereas Rom.1:2nd half observes todays society decline, - Rom.7:2nd half observes so perfectly the Christian battle within. This is a message to hear regularly in case we forget the danger of the law of sin within us. Well handled by the Pastor here.

Sermon10/9/04 10:51 PM
Barbara JoAnn Alford from Reno, Nevada  
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Counting Christ's Blood Unholy
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Pastor Waite, could you go into more of the "other gospel?" aspect of things? Remember, Jesus said that they would be teaching another gospel not taught by His true people. I believe that is what is fueling this horrendous act of "holy laughter, the holy ghost bartender", Benny Hinn, and those like him. The demons in the pulpit need to be outed. For the sake of all who are searching for Jesus in these last days, Pastor, please do a sermon on this. I know you are the man to do it. This is Barb in Reno (the terminally ill lass) and I trust you will help me as my heart is heavy with this issue.

Sermon9/23/04 10:31 PM
Daniel Lee Ford from Spring Arbor, Michigan  
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Holes in the Holman Bible #1
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Forgery exposed & TRUTH upheld! ”
Dr.Waite's DECADES of detailed study marvelously deconstruct an incompetent paraphrase purporting to be translation. Fascinating to behold,in DETAILED point after point, DELETION of the original Greek (by IGNORING the words they have even in their corrupt text, unwarranted ADDITION to the text, and speculative commentary intruding into and supplanting translation. This in a work purporting to be the very BEST of `translation.' IF the Hole-man version were honest, and admitted to paraphrase, there'd be little problem. But as Dr. Waite PROVES, this work is riddled with holes as if a bookworm had eaten thru it. You've got to get this series of radio shows (1-3) and listen. Some of Waite's BEST of MANY years of great radio shows exposing our Laodicean age's failed experiment with 'improving' God's Word. Hole-man's version reminds one of the forged letter flap in current news: many are outraged that a fake was presented as fact: HOW MUCH MORE should WE be OUTRAGED that these types of FAKES are pushed on an unsuspecting public as being 'the best' of current scholarship.Stick with the KJ Bible.

Sermon8/27/04 10:52 PM
Adebamiji Adeola Adetokunbo Andrew Alade from bermondsey, UK  Contact via email
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Marriage Defrauding #1
Yvonne Sanborn Waite, D.Hum.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Powerful!!!!!!!!!!! Simply Potent. Enough said.

Sermon3/23/04 2:34 PM
Denise from Washington  
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Bible Separation vs.Compromise
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you for the great message. What a blessing! This message has given us biblical confirmation about separation and has encouraged us to stand firm on separation.

Sermon2/21/04 11:55 AM
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Westcott/Hort's Bible Errors-1
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Authorised Bible Superiority Demonstrated ”
Using Dean Burgon's expertise in texts, Modern Versions are shown as inferior in antiquity![surprised? listen and take notes] MOST of antiquity upholds the textus receptus:early versions, patristic quotes, lectionaries etc. Numbers of descendants also upholds the Authorised King James Bible. Corrupt manuscripts of unknown origin (Origen?) are seen to lead to deletions in modern versions & confusion as to doctrine & truth.GREAT teaching!

Sermon2/15/04 9:42 AM
Andrew Hall from United Kingdom  Contact via email
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Paul's Visit to Heaven
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Very clear and concise teaching. Thankyou for opening up these scriptures to us including the historical setting for Paul's experience. Thank you also for mentioning the thorn in the flesh given that Paul might not exalt himself over others. Oh how easy it is for us fallen mankind to seek to glorify ourselves - and thanks be to God for the thorns in the flesh He gives us to keep us firmly founded in Him.

Sermon11/10/03 12:22 PM
Wayne Marr from Pflugerville, Texas  Contact via email
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Salvation--By Faith Without Works
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Excellent Presenation ”
Good exegesis of the first twelve verses of Romans 4. Pastor Waite clearly teaches the Bible teaches.

Sermon11/2/03 11:32 AM
Eric from Florida  Contact via email
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KJB Defense Is Not Heresy
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding. For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.

Sermon10/19/03 5:39 PM
Daniel Lee Ford from Jackson, Michigan  Contact via email
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Bible Versions Examined
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Informative, lively radio interview ”
Very satisfying/comprehensive intro to the problems with modern versions: Pastor Ovadal, host of the program "The Heart of the Matter" interviews Dr. Waite RE:the Texts of new versions. The key issues:1.False greek texts (e.g.1 Tim.3:16 ); 2.faulty translators;3faulty technique;4.faulty theology.The vast majority of Greek texts support the TR, less than 1 percent support the new versions!! Dean Burgon's textual expertise is passed on to our generation by Dr. Waite.The text of the King James has 37 continuity evidences that demonstrate reliability, whereas new texts appear out of discarded texts rejected by the church unto the modern Laodicean age. Which shows God's promised Providential preservation, a text used for centuries TR, or an ecclectic text that is constantly updated even now ?? Waite tells of 5,604 places where the Greek differs from the TR to the modern critical text:this is mutilation, not scholarship. ( Note: you'll want to set your audio equalizer to balance sound)

Sermon9/10/03 3:06 PM
Lee Baron from Hebrews 10:26-31 and other related passages  Contact via email
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Counting Christ's Blood Unholy
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
In Hebrews 10:26-31 I believe we have a warning here of final apostasy. If someone counts the blood of Christ as unhallowed how can he be Christian?blood inside Jesus' flesh asunlallowed get away with saying Jesus is God in human flesh, yet also say that His indwelling life-giving-blood is not holy? The life of the flesh is in the blood...Lev 17:11!!! Why does Satan HATE the Blood of Jesus? Because It brings about his demise. You know that John won't inherit the kingdom. Or do you believe that the persecution I went through at Grace Community Church was all for naught? I cannot believe that someone who violates this passage can even stand at the Judgment Seat of Christ!!! They have committed such a sin that will bring them to the Great White Throne Judgment!!!

Sermon9/10/03 2:49 PM
Lee David Baron from Counting the Blood of Jesus 'UNHALLOWED'  Contact via email
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Counting Christ's Blood Unholy
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Brother, I realize how sharp I may have sounded in my last e-mail to you regarding John MacArthur. Yet I am convinced that he is in danger of having committed the unpardonable sin. I do pray for him, yet realize that the view he and others who hold that particular view are in danger of the most evil blasphemy of our Lord and Savior!!! I know the Lord has said "Forgive us our traspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us...", yet John is in sin against the Lord Himself. I can only pray that John will 'see the light' and repent of this his evil. Sincerely, LEE BARON

Sermon9/5/03 4:21 PM
Ken Welsch from Iowa  Contact via email
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The Horror of Harry Potter
Yvonne Sanborn Waite, D.Hum.
“ Great Sermon... ”
I appreciate how Yvonne states her case as clearly as possible. She obviously has put a great deal of research into this (though it turns out neither all of Colorado nor Kansas schools actually banned Potter, as she says). I don't see the situation as being as dire as she does, but good for her for fighting for what she believes in.

Sermon7/14/03 7:12 PM
Albert W. Pelley from Edmonton Albert Canada  Contact via email
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4 Ways the King James Bible Is Superior
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thank you very much for preaching in defense of the good old "King James Bible" I wrote a poem in defense of this wonderful Book,and it's so great to see others defending it also! Apparently there was a survey taken and the "KJB" came out on top by a wide margin. Whopee My poem: Man took the 1611 King James Bible This unique Book inspired by God And changed it to THEIR liking Disrespecting God's pure words. From generation to generation This Book's been in our homes. Nowadays its been changed a lot By intellectual modern man. I wonder which Bible will it be God presents on Judgment Day Will it be a VERSION of mankind? Or the one He Himself inspired? The credulous come in every class From the Clergy all the way down. We're told plainly in the Bible, Not to put trust in ANY man! I'll stick to the 1611 King James Bible In my opinion the one that lasts! It's unique, inspired, approved by God. Thus we know it withstood every test. Albert Woodrow Pelley

Sermon4/20/03 9:28 PM
Daniel Lee Ford from Jackson, Michigan  Contact via email
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KJB Defense in Nassau (11 hrs.) #5 of 6
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great theology! ”
Clearly shows that theological differences are the main problem in accepting critical text based new versions. Dr. Waite hits the nail on the head in this section. Best of the set.

Sermon4/20/03 10:00 AM
Daniel Lee Ford from Jackson, Mich.  Contact via email
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KJB Defense in Nassau (11hrs.) #4 of 6
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Waite shows he's not making 'a mountain from a molehill', but 25 verses that weaken doctrine are shown here. Many ignorantly parrot the idea that "Not a single doctrine is impacted by the the debate between the critical texts and the TR" but this just is NOT the case. --------- Romans 5:1 is an interesting case in point , where we HAVE peace with God, becomes "let us have peace". ONE letter change in the greek , changes the case from the indicative, removes assurace of salvation...multiple instances are given. Those who know church history will recall the debate over the letter iota inserted into homoouious to become homoiouious : the choice was of Christ being of the SAME substance with the Father as against Christ being of SIMILAR substance with the Father in the confession of the church. ONE letter made the church fundamental, rather than holding a view of Jesus that is like the Jehovah's witnesses. ---------- 356 doctrinal changes are mentioned by Dr. Waite :documented by Pastor Jack Moorman - Dr. Waite goes through 25 of most salient. Again and again, new versions are found to be exactly like the Jehovah Witnesses' New World Translation.

Sermon4/20/03 8:59 AM
Daniel Lee Ford from Jackson, Mich.  Contact via email
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KJB Defense in Nassau (11hrs.) #3 of 6
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Waite's role/expertise supporting the textus receptus is similar to Henry M. Morris' role supporting creation science. As a quality comparison: this seminar is MORE comprehensive than the excellent Alan Cairns seminar that is featured on Sermonaudio's Scripture Texts Issue:link in the sermons by topic area. It is also more up to date. Waite documents the problem of well-meaning brethren, Fundamental in every other way, who wish to abandon the doctrine of preservation of the word of God. This is done is light of the supposed FACT that portions of the word of God are lost. Since God doesn't lie, we're told that all the verses that promise preservation don't really mean what they say. This parallels the well meaning, theistic evolutionists who imagine they must re-interpret Gen.1-11 in light of the FACT of evolution. Dr. Waite shows the need to return to our foundation and the overwhelming evidence for the historic text. Dean Burgon is cited extensively to overthrow the critical text's attack of Mark 16.

Sermon4/20/03 8:39 AM
Daniel Lee Ford from Jackson, Michigan  Contact via email
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KJB Defense in Nassau (11 hrs.) #2 of 6
D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.
“ Great Sermon! ”
Engaging questions & answers support the Bible: Dr. Waite outlines: 1.superior text -tells of the mom watching her kid at West Point:"look at my Johnny,everyone else is marching out of step!", the vast majority of texts support Dr. Waite's position. 2.superior theology 3.superior technique=verbal form carried into the target language. 4.superior translators (Giants of the faith vs. pygmies of today) True wordS are promised by God to be preserved :the word of God cannot be broken.

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