Good, and yet... The subject of Halloween caution is always a good one, but one of the things I find depressing is when pastors give careful warnings about the dangers of Halloween, and yet for that same date, Oct. 31st, they neglect to teach and feed their flocks about the importance of REMEMBERING the protestant Reformation! Forget obsessing over Harry Potter and nonsense like that: REPLACE Halloween with Reformation Day. Remind your congregation of how they would be subject to Rome today were it not for brave men like Luther, Wycliffe and Calvin. Even the KVO translation would likely not exist were it not for those original reformers, so instead of doggedly hammering abotu Halloween, instead replace this with fueling your congregation with the importance of remembering the reformers.
Great Sermon! This man is sounding the alarm against any translations made from corrupted original language texts. He deserves to be heard. People do not respect nor value old age preachers and long years of life perspective these days as they should. This man can answer and refute John MacArthur, who cuts out parts of the Bible by scholarly tactics. This man has it right, and I have read them all for years and years myself. Listen to him on this if you love the truth.