question Regarding the photos you mentioned of the boston bombing/amputee at's website, Here is another site with a couple of additional photos.
You said you can see blood on the ground. In these photos, I see absolutely no blood in the first 6 photos. None. No blood on the ground, on the people around him or on the amputee himself. If you notice the lady reclining on him, her shirt is stark white, until the very last picture when she's lying on a stretcher, then suddenly she's blood-soaked.
And when the man is being wheeled away by the guy wearing a cowboy hat, there's not one drop of blood dripping from anywhere. Really?
It's strange to say the least. The man's legs were blown off. He should have been bleeding profusely. Where's the blood?
Great Sermon! great video and lot of commonsense spoke here, listened to scot johnson he would have you believing this story about the guy leaving with rucksack still on him, and the blast in texas was a missile and done on a date to coincide with human sacrifice ????, like your stuff pastor mike you talk lot of sense and at least research your stuff before putting it out there , well done
Great Sermon! Amen, a common salvation. Those who say that only applies to the jews and not the gentiles IE:Matthew do lie. But lets not forget those who say this only applies to the gentiles and not the jews, IE: rapure also lie.
As Paul said, And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, goes right alone with, And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. From the OT to the NT only one way to salvation, faith.
Great Sermon! yo estaba dudando en segir escuchandolo Pastor Mike pero hoy senti la necesidad de volver y he escuchado dos predicas suyas, he estado a punto de matarme y y hoy estoy escuchando esta predica y he nacido en mi una nueva esperanza thanks for be there for me for any one need to here you u hope some one can tell you in english what i try to tell you
Powerful Sermon! Brother Mike gave so much detailed information that I couldn't grasp it all during one listening session. I'm going to
have to hear it 1 or 2 more times to get it
all. Such a great insightful message -- makes you think about all the other lost religious belief systems that are taking their listeners to hell. May they find Jesus Christ before it's too late.
Great Sermon! Opinions are great and we are all entitled to them; however facts are the unfortunate reality sometimes. You always say if someone disagrees and can back it up to share it. I couldn't put it any better than pastor Sam Adams here on SermonAudio in this tiny box. The sermon is titled traitors in Washington, traitors in the pulpit part 2. It answeres the facts on income tax and Kent Hovinds trial. If your minds made up and you don't want to be confused with the facts, just ignore this post. And as far as the Second coming the bible clearly says it will be AFTER the tribulation of those days.... Watch after the tribulation video by Steve Anderson it's all clearly indisputable using a king James bible. You might actually learn something and you know what proverbs 18:13 says. Have a great day and try to make an effort to listen to another brother in Christ (proverbs 27:17)
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
by now - after having had one since 20 years - I have three, as of today! Three King James Bibles, that is! One for the subway daily!
Great online-lecture!!
Sincerely in Jesus Christ
Mike from Munich/Bavaria
Great Sermon! This may help the lady who requested info on jw's. Your advice was spot on, don't let them in the door. Enjoy your broadcast, thanks
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
Praise the Lord! You are totally right! Very good, to have you! GOD BLESS! Thank you again!!
Yours sincerely from Munich, Germany
Mike Schuck
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
Praise the Lord!
God may bless you furthermore and over all the years has blessed you excedingly! It has been outstanding and a total blessing again, having listened/watched this sermon/lecture!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much!
Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ from Germany,Bavaria
Mike Schuck