Great Sermon! Thank you soo much. I have been trying to figure out 1 Peter 2:18-21 for about 5 months. I have struggled with perfectionism. I didn't get that Jesus Died and Makes me perfect. As long as I am after HIS heart I am made perfect. Thanks for being I can have the lightbulb effect.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
again gorgeous and a total blessing! Thank you so much, and God save and bless you, your family and your ministry!!!!!
Sincerely in Christ Jesus
Mike Schuck
Great Sermon! You are so right, church members are mean!! As a Christian, I don't even want to go to church, it feels like a strange social club. I guess I have been listening to Reg and Mike too long.
Great Sermon! Pastor Hoggard,
I just wanted to let you know the impact of your message has opened my eyes to a lot of that which is demonically hidden.
It has led me cry out to God for my unkown adherence to sin against God.
How far are we from the God of the Bible, but thank God for His gift of love; Jesus!
Great Sermon! Thank you for teaching the true gospel. It is sad, that there are less churches preaching, and less members reading the true word of God
Thanks Pastor Mike I love your teachings and preaching, I only read the KJV Bible now.I wished I lived close enough to visit your church in Missouri,but I live in Florida. So I guess I'll have to wait until Heaven to meet you.Your a God send
Great Sermon! my spirits were low - & not
many pastors preach sermons
like this !!! thank you & keep
preachin from Gods only true Word ;the KJV Bible //Jesus Bless&Keep You in these wicked days //Charlie
Great Sermon! The First Baptist in a nearby town is having a Sunday night Bible study on THE HARBINGER, so i can understand your message. God have mercy on us!
Great Sermon! I enjoyed the message from the Lord. The Lord has changed my family. We are been learning more about Word more than ever. I praise God we don't need lot of books or scholars , we need just the Holy Spirit. Let God teach us. Even humble preachers like you. The Lord has used you to make us hungry for the Word. Praise The Lord Jesus Christ. Amen