Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
so good to see you sound and well and "before my nose"!!!
God Bless!!
Again: How true and important, especially conc.Israel; The truth about Israel is the word of God in the KJV. I have two dear fellow-christians, with whom I am sort of "busy" talking about the danger - beside other things - of the Hebrew roots' movement and the danger of even being brainwashed by jewish literature, whatever kind, in "competition" to God's two testaments, and of course the NEW-one anyway.
In Christ Jesus
Mike Schuck
Great Sermon! Pastor Hoggard,
Thank You so much for this study on the forth kingdom. It has opened my eyes to an understanding that I have been searching for. I have been a Christian since the age of 14 when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I know that God has used you to reveal a truth to us. Please pray for us that we may continue to learn from your teachings. May God Bless you and your Ministry.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
thank you again so much! Everytime it is a blessing, listening to your sermons! Praise the Lord!
Sincerely in Christ Jesus
Mike Schuck
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
good to see you well again! God Bless!!!!!
And always good, too, to see the little snowman!! And thanks again for another message, so important, and preciously always pointing to our KJV!
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Mike Schuck
Pre endemic world ending As always pastor love hearing the broadcast. Not saying this is gospel but my belief is that if there was a pre-endemic or Adamic world you did not go back far enough to the beginning in Genesis. I too ponder greatly about the word replenish used in Genesis 1 as well as nine. However if there is a gap I say it has to have happened between versus two and three in Genesis 1. The terms I would focus on are the words form and void which are also used in the New Testament referring to by the image of God. If this theory holds any value, this time period before light was brought into the world marking day one would have been a time or an era without form and void in darkness. Anyway that's what I ponder but what God holds the answer.
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
good - always good - to see and hear you! Praise the Lord! Godd, to have you back, and you will be taken care of with prayer to aour God!
Jesus segne und bewahre Dich und Deine Familie und your ministry!!!!
Great Sermon! Dear Pastor Mike,
thank you so much again! Totally agreed upon. Am in contact right now with two - a sister and a brother in Christ - very much Israel-prone people. And thank God,I have learned so much from you conc. Hebrew roots movement, Kabbala, Yewish Prayer book etc., to be very awake and alert right away; sometimes it's actually mindblowing;
and I may have to make decisions, too.....! Under Jesus' guidence! The Holy Ghost will lead and show.
Yours sincerely
Mike from Bavaria/Germany
Jan 30 - excellent commentary re: circles You exposition on what the world does and what the true man of God does is excellent. Thank you, Pastor Mike.
Great Sermon! Birds attack peace doves freed from pope’s windowBy Associated Press, Published: January 26
VATICAN CITY — Two white doves that were released by children standing alongside Pope Francis as a peace gesture have been attacked by other birds.
As tens of thousands of people watched in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday, a seagull and a large black crow swept down on the doves right after they were set free from an open window of the Apostolic Palace.
Great Sermon! I praise God that your family and you are doing much better after the accident. We are always praying for you. We also enjoyed the message on Thursday. It opened our eyes to alot of things that are going on in the music world. However there is an article that I know would interest many Christians : Birds attack peace doves freed from pope’s window
Great Sermon! Pastor Mike, I love to listen to your teaching from the King James Version of the Bible. It is the only version I read. Thank you for your ministy. I listen to all of your messages. God bless you and your family, and the Bethel Church congregation.
Great Sermon! Another Great teaching. From 60 min till 78:00 or so PM really lifts us to stand on faith, not that the rest of it is any less of a blessing, it is! - for anyone blessed by this, please pray for our Pastor Mike - he was injured and had to be admitted to hospital Thursday. He and his family need your prayers. God bless you.
Great Sermon! I've been listening to you messages since November and I'm confused. It sounds to me that you're saying you can't know if you're truly saved. I know, I'm 100%, absolutely positive that I'm going to Heaven because I trusted Jesus Christ as my Saviour. Romans 10:13; I John 5:11-13 are just a few verses that I base that upon. I'd really like to know where you stand on this. You sound like you may be Calvinistic. Please don't think I'm trying to bash you, but one of my favorite things to do is listen to preaching, and you seem like you know a lot, but if you don't know if you're saved, then how can I continue to listen? Thanks.