Excellent Sermon! A great sermon that we Believers can understand. We need to keep the word of God esteemed or the enemies will creep in when its not.
Great Sermon! dear sir love your sharing your bible knowledge,you have taught me plenty,although we agree on most things,i do believe you are wrong about ALEX i distinctly,heard him say "his LORD and savior,and he was actually crying on the video,he NOW admits being saved born again,and JESSE that is a work in progress,i'm personally praying for him or his wife,to start convicting him.if more politicians were to model themselves after this statesmen the political circus would be much improved,we can agree to disagree if you do not see things this way,the prophesies must be fulfilled,i realize this,but even JFK had faults and was catholic,and admittedly unsaved,but had the 99% in mind what u think.oh ya did you check the accuracy of the legislation on dying with dignity from Quebec? faithful in his service mike.
Great Sermon! What a wonderful message. I love messages on what it means to believe and have faith in what God says in his word. What an encouraging message. God has blessed me with PM's messages.
Great Sermon! Yes, exposing false teachers , protecting the sheep is a Pastors job.
Im not sure what is doing more harm, those who spread false teaching, or all the so called pastors (hirelings) who do not speak out against it. I do know scripture is pretty clear who will have blood on their hands. Thank You
Great Sermon! Thanks for my friend Ileana Posas Price she caming from Australia to show me all about you thanks God for I can Lorne more about the bible thanks pastor mike
Great job Great job Pastor Mike! It's great to see that there are watchmen out there who warn us about dangers. I only hope people do indeed watch, listen, and believe.
Great Sermon! sin you need to start some series on sin and bondages
there are millions out there like me
that know jesus is god
and the kjv is the word
but cant be saved because of living in sin and no one tells anyone
how to get free
believing in jesus does not make anyone free so tell us HOW to deal with those if you could do a series on that some people have unspeakable sins in their lives
Great Sermon! Pastor Kevin Hoggard I have a question k. You said in your sermon that the strongholds have to be torn down before revival can happen. How can you break the strongholds in your life without revival? I was told by a preacher "you better get your life changed before Christ returns because if you don't you'll miss the rapture." I'm not being disrespectful, but a leopard can't change his spots and if he could he would no longer need God to save him if he could change himself. I need to be changed and I can't do it myself or with the help from man. Only God can change me. I have tried everything to break the chains that bind me. Help. I'm 66 years old. Norm.
I'm so thankful I found your web site.
Interesting thoughts There are 1500 architects who question 9/11 and say that it is impossible to the buildings to fall like they did. Never in history has a building collapsed as a result of fires. Look on youtube about the architects questioning and demanding another investigation into the 9/11 event. These professionals are very compelling.
Explosives used in the Twin Towers You're by far my favorite pastor, PM, but as for what you said about no proof of explosives being used in the twin towers, all I can say is...when someone can explain to me how those 3 buildings fell perfectly, as in a controlled demolition, at nearly FREE-FALL SPEED, offering absolutely no resistance from dozens of undamaged floors below the point of impact and thus defying the laws of physics--without explosives being used...then I'll entertain that idea.