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Heritage Presbyterian Church
Joe Morecraft III  |  Cumming, Georgia
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"God will sustain you"
M. Wagner from Alberta, Canada
Dr. Morecraft explains that whatever God brings into your life and lays upon you, cast that upon Him and trust Him to provide you...
Joe Morecraft III | Psalms
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Sermon8/2/08 10:41 PM
Doug from eastern Virginia  Find all comments by Doug
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“ Great Sermon! ”
How insightful is this message! He offers the REAL reason for the War Between the States, and did not mention slavery one single time!

Sermon8/2/08 9:43 PM
Doug from eastern Virginia  Find all comments by Doug
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How God Saved the Old South From...
Joe Morecraft III
“ Great Sermon! ”
"How God Saved the Old South From Unitarianism, Pt. 2" goes hand-in-hand with part 1, and it's excellent.

Sermon8/1/08 8:42 PM
Doug from eastern Virginia  Find all comments by Doug
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I wonder what Barack Hussein Obama would have to say about this message . . . nothing good, I'm sure, unless his mother is Scots-Irish.

Sermon7/28/08 3:58 PM
Danny Brown from NC  Contact via emailFind all comments by Danny Brown
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon was very helpful to me in the lesson that I am teaching next week. Thanks for sharing! My all time favorite verse Phil. 4:13 Have a great day. GOD is GOOD

Sermon12/11/07 10:49 AM
Admirer from Brandon,FL  Find all comments by Admirer
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GM04 How to Understand Your Spouse
Joe Morecraft III
“ Great Sermon! ”
Thanks a lot for such a beautiful website which helps everybody a good person. im very happy for great great precahers who preached in perfect Godly way. by listening to sermons My life has changed too....

Sermon7/30/07 11:20 AM
Aubrey Boles  Find all comments by Aubrey Boles
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“ Unique! Very informative. ”
Amazing insight. Pastor Morecraft steps out to reveal history as it has not been told in generations. You will not hear this anywhere else.

Sermon4/6/07 2:40 AM
Rob from Tahoe  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rob
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Dr. Morecraft is one of my favorite preachers. This message laid my heart bare before the LORD. ... Exceptional!

Sermon11/11/06 11:31 PM
Larry Jilton from Jonesborough, Tn.  Contact via emailFind all comments by Larry Jilton
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Powerful truth in a time that it is needed! Where is this kind of powerful truth in preaching in America ? Pastor Morecraft holds nothing back in this most needed sermon in a time that our country is so corrupted by our leaders.Thank You Pastor Morecraft and may God continue to bless your preaching and your church!

Sermon6/19/06 1:56 PM
Andrew Hall from Worcester, United Kingdom  Contact via email
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“ Eye opening sermons ”
I urgently recommend that people tune in to these two sermons. This has been very serious eye-opener for me. I give thanks to the Lord for the faithfulness of the research and exposition given here.

Sermon12/20/05 1:20 AM
Evang. Paul Haizel from Kumasi-Ghana, West Africa  Contact via email
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GM04 How to Understand Your Spouse
Joe Morecraft III
“ Great Sermon! ”
Evang.Paul Haizel P.O.Box Ah 8586 Ahensan-Kumasi Ghana West Africa Greetings Rev.Joe, I am particularly grateful to God for your life and ministry and the fact that sincere, dedicated and commited men of God like you are around to render assistance to those of us who are now coming-up in the ministry. Listening to your sermons has greatly affected my life and ministry as a young Evangelist who want to know God as He is and not what is said of Him. I would therefore be grateful to if you could send me copies these wonderful series . May God richly bless and equip you for the task ahead. Stay bless and Peace to you. Yours in the service of Christ. Paul. Rev,this question has been baffelling my mind for sometime now and would very glad if you could help me with an answer. Ques. In Romans 10:13,the Bible makes it clear that "For whosoever shall call(believe)upon the name of the Lord shall be saved". I remember one day, I was travelling from Cape Coast in the Central Region to Accra the capital. Then the Holy Spirit prompted me to minister the Word in the bus .So I started sharing the Word of God with those on board. After about 35minutes of preaching, some accted the Lord as their Savour. I then took my seat when everything was over

Sermon11/24/05 6:22 PM
John Blevins from Georgia  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This sermon is a must for all to hear. Burn it, copy it, pass it out, email it, do whatever you have to do to get it out to your friends and family. Pastor Morecraft wisely brings forward one of the gravest problems of our day and then answers with the wisdom of the Word of the Lord. All glory to our King the Lord Christ

Sermon10/29/05 2:20 PM
David from New Jersey  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I have to say one of the best sermons on this site. A bit of a lengthy sermon, but, full of God's truth on justification through Christ's imputed righteousness and tackles some of the issues opposing this doctrine, such as "The New Perspectives on Paul" which has gotten coined with the name "New Perspectivism". If you are trying to be justified by anything you do within yourself, you need to hear this.

Sermon10/24/05 10:43 PM
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“ Listen to this sermon ”
After a historical overview, Morecraft delves into the crisis in the Reformed faith. Perhaps the most troubling crisis discussed in this sermon is the attack on justification -- that men are now saying we need law to be saved, and not just Christ alone. Even within Reformed circles this doctrine is being attacked -- and so I thank Morecraft for raising the alarm on this most fortunate and disturbing trend!!

Sermon10/19/05 11:52 PM
Joe Bedale from Dallas TX  Contact via email
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The Crisis of Education CRI001
Joe Morecraft III
“ Percise and Accurate! ”
This sermon states it well. Don't miss the opportunity to get your children into a truly Christian school right away!! Your child is to precious to miss this life-shaping opportunity.

Sermon6/20/05 4:37 PM
Andrew Hall from Worcester, United Kingdom  Contact via email
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HR51 The Westminster Divines, Part 3
Joe Morecraft III
“ Great Sermon! ”
I have now completed the 47 part Reformation series. I would recommend Christians to listen to these messages. Half the problem with the church today is that church history has been deliberately 'forgotten' and not taught. The one thing that church history proves is the full truth and inerrancy of the scriptures. We need the knowledge of where we have come from, just as Israel needed to remember it in the days of the judges and kings. They forgot and turned their backs on God. The same is happening amongst so many churches today? God bless you brother for bringing this very important teaching for our learning - and may others beging to do the same, to remind people of what has gone before and to return to the old paths.

Sermon5/8/05 2:53 AM
Andrew Hall from Worcester, United Kingdom  Contact via email
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Having been told about this Reformation series, I have started listening to them. I have had an increasing desire to study the church history and these sermons are an excellent and most well researched series on which to start a learning. Those who forget history are condemned to repeat the disastrous mistakes of before. This is happening amongst the so-called protestant churches today who now trample on the reformation and the confessions (Westminster, Baptist, Heidelburg). Every person of God in the Bible was fully aware of the history of God's work. The apostates were those who turned their backs on God and history. God calls on us to turn back to the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16). Any man or woman who wants to commit themselves into the whole service of God can do no better than to learn the history, in order to learn from it and in order to seek to follow the examples of this great cloud of witnesses about us. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

Sermon1/3/05 12:28 AM
S. Christopher Oberholtzer  Contact via email
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Rebuilding the Foundations VS0401
Joe Morecraft III
“ Our Nation's only Hope. ”
Praise the LORD for Dr. Moorcraft's courage to preach the truth and faithfulness to God's Word. May our King lead us as we restore the republic on the foundations of God's law and submission Him.

Sermon11/14/04 4:54 PM
Elizabeth Strevel from Dacula  Contact via email
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Jesus and Sickness LK155
Joe Morecraft III
“ Great Sermon! ”
Dearest Joe, In the Lord's providence, I am home this Lord's Day with two sick little girls. I have told Chris that the hardest part of being a mother is having to be absent on the Lord's Day from the worship and fellowship of God's people. However, by God's grace and the technological advancements that He has allowed, I have been fed from His Word this day! Thankyou for being His mouthpiece as I have gleaned volumes from your sermon. The Lord has been so kind to convict me of faulty thinking and also to challenge me toward being a more faithful Christian parent. By the work of the Spirit, the verses in Psalms and I Corinthians have come alive in my heart. May the Lord give increase to His Word and cause it to bear much fruit as He has promised that it will not return to Him void! By the mercy of Christ, Elizabeth Strevel

Sermon11/6/04 2:03 PM
Jacob from Aitken  
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Rebuilding the Foundations VS0401
Joe Morecraft III
“ Great Sermon! ”
Rev. Morecraft warns against trusting in cowardly politicians who happen to run under the banner of Conservatism. My favorite was when he quoted Rushdoony: "A society in defiance of God's Law is like a fish out of water--violently active but quickly destined to die."

Sermon11/6/04 2:01 PM
Jacob Aitken  
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“ Great Sermon! ”
Phenomenal message! When a civil magistracy (i.e., the Supreme Court, leftist lawyers) defies the Law of God, he no longer becomes a minister of good but a monstrous beast. Chief Justice Moore is the most important Christian today. May God uphold him!

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