Rebellious apostate churches New evangelical and other apostate church organisations, both denominational and non-denominational, are for rebellious apostates. Enough said.
CCM: Music for 'Christian' Rebels CCM music is music for churchgoing "Christian" rebels. While blues, jazz, pop, and country music are not centered around violence as certain styles of rock and rap music are, one cannot change the sexually promiscuous image of blues, jazz, pop, and country music. If rock music was founded upon rebellion from the beginning, so was CCM music.
Unlike today's CCM music, the Old Protestant Hymns did not promote rebellion, but promoted Jehovah as The Righteous True God.
Contemporary Pornographic Music It would be more accurate to refer to Contemporary Praise Music as Contemporary Pornographic Music since contemporary praise singers are given over to fornication. Many CCM musicians are and have been divourced over adulterous affairs. Not to mention that Dan Lucarini withdrew from CCM music to avoid potentially adulterous affairs with the female "worship" singers, intending on preserving his marriage.
Like the Olympics, both ancient and modern, CCM music is given over to adultery and fornication. We would be wise to remember the wise warning given in Hebrews 13:4 instead of working with these whoremongers and adulterers called CCM musicians.
What about other foreign translations? Hello there. My native language is Russian and I understand and read my Bible mostly in Russian. Does it mean that KJV is more superior than my Russian Bible? Can you confirm it in the Bible please? Also, I am having hard time understanding old English in the KJV. What would you recommend?
Great Sermon! Blues, jazz, rock, rap, and pop music as well as many other styles of non-classical music are all expressions of rebellion, aka being a rebel. It is clearly reflected in their music.
Unfortunately, today's contemporary liberal churches are encouraging this very form of rebellion. The results are rather troubling.
Heads Up! Amen!!!
There is no mention of pope in the Bible. No prayers to Mary in the Bible. No prayers for the dead in the Bible. No mention of mass in the Bible. No mention of Christmas celebrations.
Many of us are not aware of those “evangelical†pastors repudiating the doctrine of SEPARATION. WOW! They do not stand on the word of God that commands us to separate from apostates who deny the supernatural word of God. 2 Corin 6:17. Have no fellowship with, shun them 2 Tim 2:5, 16, Titus 2:10 and many other scriptures. Separation is the wall of protection for God’s people. Are ecumenical relationships more important than doctrine? Christianity is not an ice cream shop!!! We must be focused on TRUTH.
Thank you David
Great Sermon! We clearly saw in this sermon that Harold Ockenga started new evangelicalism in 1948 as rebellion against doctrinally sound Biblical Fundamentalism. This liberal rebel known as Harold Ockenga started new evangelicalism with a repudiation of separation from apostasy, including theological liberalism.
This repudiation of separation from apostasy lead to today's evangelicals adopting the following factors.
01: Dialogue with apostates.
02: Positive theology at the expense of the negative warnings of the Bible.
03: Exaltation of love and unity at the expense of sound doctrine.
04: Pragmatism in the ministry.
05: A desire for respectability.
06: An attitude of anti-fundamentalism.
07: Inconsistency and contradiction.
08: Dividing Biblical Truth into categories of importance and non-importance.
09: Exalting social and political activity to the same level as the Great Commission.
And lastly,
10: A mood of softness with a desire for less strict "christendom" as well as pacifism and neutrality in spiritual warfare.
New evangelicalism (aka theological liberalism) has taken evangelical churches and ministries by storm. Today, it is very popular with churches, even though it is apostate. We must be more concerned about what is Biblical than what is popular.
Full of insight! Contemporary Christian Music is indeed the music of theological liberalism. With that said, the new evangelicalism started by Harold Ockenga for the sole purpose of theological liberalism.
Until then, we would be wise to heed the warning about false prophets in Matthew 7:15-20. We know that theological liberals are false prophets since they say that spiritual compromise will bring about universal harmony.
Insightful! It's a proven fact that rock music, rap music, country music, and pop music are all based on rebellion to authority. We also see this same rebellion reflected in Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) given that CCM musicians think that grace is antinomian license. Grace, Biblically understood, is freely bestowed upon undeserving sinners. Of course, Biblical Grace also shows us to live in a sober manner as evident in Titus 2:12.
It is rather troubling how CCM musicians think that they can live as they like and demean those rejecting their licentious lifestyles reflected in their music with its many styles as "legalistic." If you were to preach that the Lord is a Righteous Punisher in today's contemporary churches with their CCM, you would be accused of being "legalistic" even though the Bible clearly teaches it in verses like 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9.
Great Sermon! Thank you so much for speaking the truth, sometimes we get to feeling very alone! But I think we are in good company, I'm sure the Lord felt that way too. I was just telling my daughter you must STUDY the Word, to be able to discern the spirit if it be of the Lord.
Valuable insights Useful information and valid rationale. Accepting a 'faulty sword' ultimately may lead, not only to deficient doctrine, but to imply that God might not be necessarily perfect.
Great Sermon! Chris G P, David isn't without his blind spots and dangerous books ...
The Calvinism Debate
David Cloud
He that hath ears to hear ...Matthew 11:15
David Cloud and Calvinism
Great Sermon! Though obviously now a little dated as this sermon was preached some years ago, it is still very relevant, and the trends have remained the same, and even worsened. Solid Bible based churches maybe need to set up their own bookshops, and have a good library system.
Great Sermon! Tragically a day late and a dollar short for my church. Have to endure the discomfort of the occasional use of New Calvinist or New Frontier "hymns" when my conscience is not at ease promoting these "hymns" by singing them in worship. Stuart Townend's attitude is especially bad, stating that Jesus would be playing heavy metal and rockin out if he were on earth today. Sounds like another Jesus to me and not the Jesus of the bible. I hope he's not worshipping another Jesus.
Thank you I am so thankful for this sermon and the assuring message of the security of our salvation. Most of all I am thankful that Jesus forgives us when we sin. Thank you Dr Cloud.
Great Sermon! This message gives us the reasons and ways we should pray. Using the way of Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul will help us know what to pray and how to pray. Very good examples to guide us in prayer.