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Islam (Muslims) In Bible Prophecy, In the Book of Revelation
Islam In The Bible by Dr. Francis Nigel Lee (Free MP3s and Books)
Islam in Revelation: An Historic Look at Protestant Eschatological Thought on the Rise and Fall of Islam by E. B. Elliott, Alexander M'Leod, David Steele et al.
"There has not been a more valuable extra-biblical resource & tool than the Puritan Hard Drive." - Dr. McMahon, A Puritan's Mind
Great Message! Thank you for making this paper available. It was helpful in assisting a friend who had doubts about following an assignment to repeat the "Jesus Prayer" numerous times to decide not to do it.
Excellent point regarding συνηθεια The view that headcovering is some Apostolically appointed 'ordinance' or 'tradition' is completely demolished by a careful consideration of the meaning and implications of the Greek word συνηθεια (custom) in 1 Cor.11:16. Greg Price has rendered an excellent service to the church of God by pointing this out.
Well argued Greg Price should be honoured for his service to the church of God in making clearer the meaning of 1 Cor. 11:2-16 while others obfuscate it.
Thomas Watson There are 31,102 verses in the Bible and Thomas Watson seems to know all 31,102 verses intimately and completely he is a real treasure to listen to i thank The Lord for bestowing him to His church some several centuries ago and for Still Waters, SermonAudio and Bob Faulkner for reproducing them some several centuries later, enjoy The Feast!
Really excellent sermon and advice! I found this so helpful in so many ways. I’m so thankful he took time to give such excellent, practical, and most importantly, biblical advice. I hope many more people will hear this and that the Lord would bless it to them.
Hard Hitting and insightful Sermon Fascinating sermon. I never thought of Mother's Day as violating God's 4th Commandment, but I believe Pastor Dodson is correct. The same thing may be said about the use of instruments. Their effect is to create a feeling. I have come to hate these kumbaya-style worship services prevalent in so-called "Reformed" Presbyterian churches. We need to get back to exclusive psalmody. Amen.
Movies are Lies!! Great sermon. Please listen. The world today is numb and accepting of movies and television and the internet when all of these are lies and acting. (which is fake and involves total lying) This has led to lying becoming acceptable. Christians are being controlled by TV and the internet. Wake up.
Great Sermon! This message is absolutely heart breaking and difficult to listen to the whole of it. I am mourning while listening, even thought the Lamb has prevailed. Even though I know the end, I feel as if I am seeing Satan himself delivering evil blows to the Stone the builders rejected, and the Cornerstone upon which the church is built, and the Church triumph. I am grieving in my spirit at what I see. That is, the slumbering church.
May God bless you and the hearers.
Stop Listening to Liars The television and movie industry has ruined the USA and other countries. It is ALL lies and the people in these productions are all liars. Satan is the father of all lies. Christians have become numb to movies and tv programs and the great wrong involved in them. Wake up and turn off electronics. Open The Bible.
Timely Reminder! On the Lord's Day, I first listened to Pastor Dilday on the 'Unity of the Church'. In light of the present danger, it is hard not to understand that unity's importance. What then is the basis for this 'Unity in the Truth'? This series I'd imagine was the answer to that question, seeing I listened to the last first, which was a summary of the whole topic.
However, in this sermon series I began with the first in the series in order. What a important message for anyone interested in a unity grounded in Scripture and Church History. He plainly and primarily uses the Scripture to ground his arguments, nevertheless he is not ashamed of the faithful reformers of the past and their accomplishments on behalf of the true church that is one. See Eph 4:1-16; Mat 24:5,6;11-14; Rev 19:9,10
It seems to me that a right view of Scripture which includes the prophetic parts are as vital as all of Scripture is in order to associated with the true Church and to disassociate with the Roman apostasy in the church of the earth.
See Rev 17:2; II Thes 2:1-12; II Tim 3:16
An Important Warning About False Doctrine! This is an incredible explanation of how to recognize false prophets and evil spirits of the Antichrist and why we must avoid these teachings and hate them. Hebrews 10:25 does not refer to just any building or group. Any group can call themselves "church" but they are not the Biblical Church. The so called "Christian" broadcasting networks are filled with the spirit of the Antichrist and are leading people away from the gospel. The Daystar Network and the Trinity Broadcasting Network now have given a Catholic Priest time on their schedule to preach to Protestants. This is false doctrine. It denies the true gospel.