stronger than ever. False religions
will cause people to be condemed to
hell and the followers of Jesus Christ
must speak out. The Pope is no more
than a simple man but Roman Catholics
seem to worship him. In all the
proceedings after John Paul's death,
I don't think I ever heard Jesus'
name mentioned in the same breath
when talking about the Pope.
In 2Peter3, we are admonished to
"grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" and
not in putting your faith in the Pope
or any other secondary being.
Great Sermon! Good preaching! An excellent sermon! Everyone should hear this good message! I am afraid many of my
Arminian friends are very "near the kingdom of God" but are still not saved...sad to say.
Great Sermon! A great sermon. Oh how well Rev. Stephen sets out what the Bible really teaches about worship. So many churches today are falling away from the Word to other "man made" ways to attract more people into their churches.
WOW! Christian should listen to this sermon if for no reason than to hear what the historic Christian view of the Papacy has been!
Jonathan Edwards, (whose sermons have been reproduced on this Website) and once served as president of Princeton cited several passages in Scripture to make this point.
But so did many others -- Even Sir Isaac Newton, who recognized the 'little horn' of Daniel 7 as the Papacy!
In these politically correct times, it may seem extreme to some to talk in these terms, so it's important for us to understand that Protestanism has historically taught that the Papacy is, in fact, the pretended vicar of Christ. The Anti-Christ, as Rev. Stephen Hamilton points out here. Tune in for a good review of Christian history; it's well worth your time.
Who is the Pope? Many so-called "Evangelicals" are falling over themselves to say nice things about John Paul II. They would do well to read what many godly men in church history said about the Papacy....
Great Sermon! This sermon is an excellent explanation of the unbiblical teachings and methods Harold Camping promotes on the Family radio network. Since January 2002 Camping has sadly gone from bad to worse with new teachings on "The End of the Church Age and After", "The Wheat and the Tares," and now teaching the world will end in 2011. Based on Pastor Hamilton's marks of a cult, Camping and Family Radio have now become one. Thank you, Pastor Hamilton, for being one of the first to shine light on the darkness of Camping's heresies and encouraging believers to stay in the church our Lord Jesus Christ died for.
Richard Rodriguez
P.S. I am the webmaster for Immanuel First Lutheran Church in West Covina, CA (Los Angeles area), on the web at:
Stop by and say hi.
Great Sermon! This message will bring you to tears. The speaker brings the preistly prayer of Christ to the threshold of your heart. Will enjoy this one for years.
A Very Uplifting and Biblically Based Message! All fathers (and all single males like myself that plan to be one someday) need to listen to this message!
Great Sermon! Thank you so very much for this powerful and truthful sermon! I just left a ministry at the Episcopal Church because I spoke against what the church was doing. I stood for God and His Word and I was asked to leave "in so many words" I thank God he has rescued me. Thank you so very much and May God keep you in His care.
Great Sermon! Thank you for your message. When I read Matthew 24, for the first time since understanding the doctrines of grace, I thought, where are all the "hick-ups" that dispensationist come up with? It seems to me that the Bible explains concisely the order of events. People need to know that this is an issue not to divide over & yet study, taking all views into consideration (not just Schofield's notes) before coming to an informed conclusion. Sincerely, Helen Skrade
Great Sermon! Truly a good sermon. Stephen Hamilton lays out an engaging, honest take on the "secret, anytime" rapture - references which simply do not exist in the Bible. He lays bare a (still unpopular) danger concerning the use of the Schoefield Bible. Mr. Hamilton comes across as a scripture-driven, "prove it to me" speaker and encourages us to open up our minds and re-evaluate our preconceptions on the resurrection.
A Much Needed Trumpet Call This message must be heard and heeded by all professing Christians. Alcohol IS a drug. It is no use pointing at heroin addicts, casual marijuana users etc when there are three fingers pointing back at us.
I was a moderate drinker but used to partake in occasional heavy drinking. It made me obnoxious at best, except to hooray henry pals who were equally obnoxious, even after only a couple of drinks. My marriage came about due to meeting my future wife, in a night club when I was drunk. My marriage fell apart as a result of my predilection to alcohol and the resultant cruelty to my wife, along with a marriage having been founded on Godless lines.
I was a broken man at my divorce and began to drink heavily. During all these years I attended churches - but no solid teaching was given, just the usual happy clappy nonsense - no repentance. In spite of these churches, the Lord has saved me and three years ago January 9th 2001, I gave up drinking. I can safely say that it was the LORD who gave me the strength to stop, because only a few months previously I had tried to stop and could not. I do not miss it. I look back and realise that forty years of living in darkness, yet drawn by God to salvation is glory all to Christ. Gambling has gone, as has the television (which is run by people who are not saved and thus are at enmity with God) My LORD is better than any female companion. My LORD is better than any mind altering substance. My LORD is my ALL.
If someone calls that legalism, then I would prefer to have that than the neo-evangelical liberalism.
Bless you for this good message.